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"TOKYO, HERE WE COME!" Shouted Suho as he took his headset off and stared at the scenery outside the plane.

     The Seven Arcs and the Seven Demons were headed off to Tokyo to meet Kharon the Second, But for the past weeks, they've been training their butts off so this is more like a vacation for them.

      Park Dongmin trained them on the power of invisibility while they were getting ready for this trip. The Arcs did fine, so did Hyunseung and Jackson since you know, they have special relationships with angels. While the other demons just wanted to jump off a cliff because of how hard it was.

     Thankfully, after a week of training, everyone had mastered it. It wasn't a shock that they learned it faster than expected. They are princes after all.

     "We have now landed."

     The sons stood up from their seats and took their things.

     "Good Morning passengers, we have arrived at our destination. Thank you so much for choosing Japan Airlines, we hope to see you again."

     "Ah fuck, my head hurts. I knew it, we should have used our private plane," Jiyong stated as they were getting out of the economy plane one by one.

     "Remember what our guardian said rich-kid. We don't want to attract much attention," Seunghyun reminded him, and Jiyong just rolled his eyes in annoyance.

     "Everyone has their bags?" Sunggyu asked when they got off the plane.

     While walking, the members of Arcs and Demons looked at Sunggyu and nodded their heads as an answer. Some even lifted their bags to show them to him.

     "Good. Now, Dongmin stated that we need to look for this guy named Kenji who is willing to let us stay in his house for a week. Your guardian said that he's aware that we're-" Sunggyu paused and moved closer to the sons and whispered, "Demons and angels."


 "Okay, you'll be leaving tomorrow so I don't want you to mess things up. You can't stay in a hotel because Japan is a dangerous country for people like us," Dongmin explained.

     "Come on, how dangerous could it be? We're Angels and De-" Minhyuk was cut off as Dongmin continued,  "There's a famous group in Japan who are searching for demons and angels. They've been studying them and already have proof. If anyone of you will be seen doing unnatural things then its over. The people would contact them right away. So even if you can control your powers now, I still advice you to wear your rings, just in case." 

     "Group of Japanese men who studies AND captures Demons and Angels? Well, this can't get any better can't it?" Taeil stated with a sarcastic tone. Then Sungjae looked at their guardian curiously and asked, "And what are these guys called?"

    "Good question Sungjae. They're called "RAVENS". They haven't captured even a single living angel or demon yet, but people fear and respect them. Well, they almost captured an angel...but still failed," Dongmin explained further, shocking them.

     "Well, that's stupid", Jiyong stated instead, not quite impressed by the said group.

     "It wouldn't be stupid anymore if even one of you were captured, am I right?" Dongmin stated seriously, making everyone look at Jiyong with an angry expression.

     "So, who's this guy we're going to meet anyway?" Junhyung asked to finally finish the conversation.

     "His name is Kenji. And he's a very close friend of mine. I called him the other day and he told me that he's happy to let you stay at his house."

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