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LAY OPENED HIS EYES from the loud sound coming from outside their room. His eyes were now back to normal, but his body ached. He slowly sat down, trying to remember everything that happened last night. But when he saw Tamo sleeping beside him, he quickly stood up and went to the bathroom.

     Then Lay started vomiting. 

     He was disgusted. Not at Tamo but he was disgusted with himself

     "W-what have I done?!" he shouted as he fell on his knees. He quickly closed his eyes and started praying, "Forgive me Father for I have sinned. Forgive me Father for I have sinned. Forgive me Father for I have sinned-" it went on and on until tears started to fall out of Lay's eyes.

     "This is wrong. His moans and his sweet words weren't for me. It was for Kai. This wasn't mine to take. What happened to me? I was controlled? I was vulnerable...I was used in the wrong way...I gave my a man I hardly even knew."

      Lay started tearing up again. He couldn't believe what he had done. Looks like he was one sin down, and it was LUST. As the days lessened, Lay knew that the sins he was going to commit would increase.

     "Kai, are you alright?" Tamo softly stated when he went to the bathroom, wanting to know if Lay/Kai was doing okay or not.

     "I-I'm fine," Lay immediately answered without even looking at him.

     "Are you sure? You feel kinda off? Is it because of what happened last night?" Tamo stated, reminding Lay once again on what he did last night with him.

     "No!" he shouted, shocking Tamo on his sudden action.

     "K-Kai...d-did I do something wrong?" said Tamo, tears almost falling down his eyes. Lay suddenly felt sad for Tamo. It wasn't Lay's body, it was Kai's, but inside that shell, it was still him. It was still him that made love with Tamo that night.

     "I'm sorry Tamo," Lay stated, slowly moving his head and looking at Tamo. Tamo blinked the tears off and kneeled on one knee so he could face Lay's face.

     "It's okay. I know you're tired after what happened. If you like, I'll never talk about it again, I swear," Tamo told him.

     Lay just smiled, holding Tamo's cheek gently. Even with all the disgust he felt, he was still an angel by heart.

     "It's okay. I'm glad that what happened last night happened," he lied.

     Tamo quickly grabbed Lay for a tight embrace and Lay kissed Tamo's forehead gently. He didn't say a word, but Tamo didn't question it again. Tamo never did question, Kai. He just accepted that he'll only hear what Kai wants to tell him, not force it out of him.

     "Let's go and accompany your father downstairs and eat breakfast," Lay stated as he stood up and held Tamo's hand gently. Looks like Tamo cleaned him last night too after what happened because Lay only realized that he was now wearing a plain white t-shirt and some black shorts.

     When they arrived downstairs, they saw Kenji eating his breakfast alone.

     "Good morning father," Tamo stated as he lets go of Lay's hand and went to his father to give him a pat on the back. 

     Tamo sat down and Lay followed.

     "Good morning Kenji-san," Lay stated.

     "Good morning to you too Kai. Did you have a good sleep?" Kenji asked with a smile. But Lay just forcefully smiled back. He didn't answer.

     When the food was placed in front of them, everyone started eating. Tamo and Kenji once again just talked about business and the Ravens, so Lay was left alone by his own thoughts. But when his eyes were caught on the food, everything changed again. He quickly took his spoon and started devouring the food. In seconds, his plate was clean. His eyes shot to the rest of the food in front of him, so he took the platter of pasta. He quickly took it all, not even getting a few portion and place it on his plate; he just took everything. Then he started eating it without even pausing.

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