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I LOOKED OUT THE window of the car, and like what I've been seeing recently, the sidewalks are filled with people waving back at us. They were smiling, as they looked straight into my eyes. These were the people I've killed. But I don't mind it anymore. The only problem is, I don't know what's real or what's not.

     "Please tell me you're fucking seeing this too," I whispered to myself, but it was still loud enough for Tamo to hear.

     "See what?" he asked, but I ignored his question like I didn't hear it.

     "Well, it looks like we're here," he stated as the limo stopped. He went out first and I followed, and as what Tamo planned, we ate dinner and proceeded to the meeting room where all the heads were. I was surprised to see the chairman there too, Mr. Asano Kenji.

     "Let's start the meeting?" sir Kenji stated while he was sitting in the middle.

     "Yes, of course, father," Tamo stated as he stood up from his seat and said, "Thank you everyone for coming. But before we start, I would like to welcome the founder of this great Company. He came here to give support to our upcoming projects. Please give a round of applause to Chairman Asano Kenji."

     Then everyone started clapping, and so did I.

     "Now I'll be giving each of the Group Heads a chance to speak. Usui, please take charge," Tamo stated as he sat back down. Then Usui – Tamo's vice president, stood up and said, "Hideaki Takumi, head of the Invisibles group."

     The Invisibles leader first stood up, and the rest followed. And fortunately, I was the last one to be called.

     "Now for the Slayers group. Kim Jong-In," Usui announced as I stood up from my seat.

     I went in front and began my speech, "Good Evening everyone. First I would like to say thank you for everyone's hard work. Ravens wouldn't be a big company if it weren't for the people in it. Well, I'm better known as Kai, the Slayer of the Ravens. I've done my job well for the past 2 years and I know very well that every one of you knows what I've been going through recently. Yes, it's about the police force who's having their doubts with our works because of me..."

     I was continuing with my "super interesting" speech when this suddenly happened.

     "And I am truly sorry for the actions that I have..." I suddenly stopped in the middle of my speech.

     I saw something. Well, it wasn't really something, but rather, it was someone. It was Suho, standing right in front of the door of the meeting room.

     "What are you doing here?!" I suddenly asked, making everyone look at the direction I was looking at. Then they all looked at me with a confused face.

     "I asked you a question, what are you fucking doing here?!" I finally shouted.

     "What's going on," Kenji asked as he looked at Tamo. Tamo stood up from his seat and stopped me, "Kai, what the hell are you doing? Please sit down."

     I completely ignored Tamo as I stared back at Suho who casually entered the room with a smirk on his face.

     "Kai, sit down. Please," Tamo repeated, but with a calmer voice this time. But I still didn't listen. I stared at Suho who was getting closer to me.

     "One more step or I'm going to shoot you..." I said, taking out my gun. I could hear the gasps of everyone inside the room.

     Finally, Tamo held my shoulder. I looked at him as he said, "Put your fucking gun down Kai, or so help me god I'm fucking going to pin you to the wall."

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