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- Jung Ji-hoon'S POV -

I WAS IN MY office reading reports from one of my subordinates when my personal ghoul - Rinu - barged inside the room without my permission. I was about to shout at his disrespectful behavior, but Rinu immediately tells me, "Boss, the informant told me that someone is after you."

    My anger dissipates, and I return to the reports in front of me, "Then kill that someone," I replied to him, not seeing the danger from his panicked expression. 

     "But, it's not humans who are after you." He said, finally making me look at him. When Rinu said those words, I slowly stood up from my seat and walked in front of my window. 

     "It's the betrayers isn't it?" I asked without looking at Rinu.

     "Yes," Rinu answered, and I just looked at the scenery in front of me without saying a single word.

     I am Xaphan, but in this world, I am Jung Ji-hoon. Even with a human name, people call me by the word Rain. They say it rains blood when I arrive, which is why I was given such a name. I am the leader of the Black Soldiers, or to be exact, I took the body of the leader of this yakuza group.

     Since I lead this group, half of my men are ghouls and half are humans. And since I'm a leader of this strong yakuza, I try my best to not harm this body because I need to satisfy my uncontrollable rage. But being a yakuza leader has its perks. Normal people can't come close to me, rich people and even the government ask protection from me, and low life people are afraid of me. Making me untouchable and unbeatable.

     "What are your orders boss?"

     "Do you know who are they?"

     "The informant didn't tell me nor show me their pictures, but he said that Asano Tamo, the head of the Ravens, are helping them," Rinu stated, making me clench on my fist in anger. Asano Tamo is someone who everyone calls a fool for believing in angels and demons. But now, him being associated with actual demons is making my blood boil.

     "Where are they now?" I asked.

     "The informant last saw them enter a hotel near here," Rinu answered, and I finally turned around and looked back at him.

     "What's this group's motto, Rinu?" I asked my trustworthy ghoul as I slowly approached him.

     "Kill or be killed," Rinu answered, and I nodded at him with a smirk. Rinu bowed down and went outside my office. I sat back on the chair in front of my desk, took the whiskey bottle, and poured myself a glass. I drank it in one go and filled it up once again.

     I've lived this long. And I'm not letting cute little princes stop me from living a hundred years more.

     "Goodbye...Betrayers of Hell."



 "Is Taeil still sleeping?" Sunggyu asked as he approached Hyunseung who was sitting at a sofa in their hotel room.

     "Yeah he is, and Jackson is with him," Hyunseung answered as he took a sip from his bottled water.

     "Why did Taeil suddenly faint after he took the Sinner's soul?" Minhyuk asked as he looked at their guardian, Kharon.

     "Prince Taeil didn't faint, he just fell asleep." Kharon corrected.

     "Why? Because he's the prince of sloth?" Jiyong asked, and Kharon nodded his head, immediately making Hyunseung understand it.

     "Oh, I get it now," Hyunseung confidently said.

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