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THE SONS WERE WALKING in the hallway. The students were confused because the Arcs weren't with them, but the Demons themselves were just as confused because the Arcs didn't even tell them they wouldn't be attending their classes.

     "Where could they be?" Jackson asked, confused why his lover didn't even inform him that he wasn't going to school.

     "Didn't the three already tell us that we shouldn't talk about the Arcs for the time being? And we should just trust them since our fathers had already talked to their guardian." Hyunseung explained, surprisingly calm with the whole situation.

     "And who knows, they might be planning something that we don't know too," Minhyuk stated, and everyone agreed to what their brother had said.

     All of them continued walking and proceeded to the bulletin board to see the results of their test. Even with all that's going on, the brothers still need to pass their exams and move on to their sophomore years.

     The seven arrived and ran and dominated the whole board; excited to get a glimpse of their exam results.


     Congratulations to the following students for completing the given examination with complete excellence. The 14 students have finished and successfully topped the academic list over the other students. The names below will show each student's grade and ranking.

     01 - Lee Minhyuk – 100%

     02 - Yong Junhyung – 99%

     03 - Kwon Jiyong – 98.5%

     04 - Jang Hyunseung – 98.%

     05 - Yi-En Tuan Mark – 97%

     06 - Kim Sunggyu – 96%

     07 - Yook Sungjae – 95%

     08 - Choi Seung-Hyun – 93%

     09 - Lee Taeil – 93%

     10 - Nam Woohyun – 92.5%

     11 - Zhang Yixing – 92%

     12 - Wang Jackson – 92%

     13 - Pyo Jihoon - 91.5%

     14 - Kim Joon-Myun – 91%

     The seven were all shocked to see the test results (But they already half expected it), and they were pretty much sure that the seven angels were already given a memo about this as well by the principal.

     "Wow Minhyuk, seriously? One hundred percent? What did you do, eat all our textbooks?" Taeil joked and everyone laughed.

     Minhyuk chuckled proudly and answered like how a top student would, "Well what would you expect, I love studying."

     "Seriously?" Suho asked with a disgusted face, and then continued, "I don't want to sound like a jerk because you're the top one and I'm the last one in the list but can't you like...choose a different hobby? A hundred percent man, that's not normal."

     Hyunseung patted Suho's back and said, "Let the nerd be Suho. And come on, ninety-one percent is a big number compared to other students here in HAU."

     "You have a point," Suho answered with a smile.

     Then Jiyong looked at Minhyuk and smirked, "With that grade? I'm pretty sure you're still a virgin Minhyuk. Studying as a hobby isn't something anyone would get turned on."

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