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"JOON! WHERE THE FUCK did you put my black shirt?"  Lay shouted as he was searching through the pile of clothes inside the closet. Its been a week since Suho moved to Lay's room, and as expected, Suho was very unorganized with his things, and Lay didn't like it a bit.

     "Try the closet," Suho lazily answered, still lying down on the bed.

     "I fucking checked it three times now!" Lay angrily stated as he went in front of Suho. Suho's face was still tucked under a pillow, so Lay aggressively pulled the pillow off him, making Suho look at him angrily.

     "What is it this time?!" Suho finally shouted as he looked at Lay with an annoyed expression.

     "I asked you where my god damn shirt is! If you could just arrange your clothes then I wouldn't be bugging you in your sleep now wouldn't I?" Lay answered, and Suho just angrily went to a sitting position.

     "Just borrow one of my shirts there," Suho commanded and Lay just followed diligently like he wasn't shouting at him earlier.

     When Lay was finally wearing it, he grabbed the collar and gave it a sniff, which made him quickly blush on the scent of Suho. Suho saw his expression and grabbed Lay on the waist so he could fall on the bed. With a smirk on his face, Suho greeted, "Good morning Yixing."

     Lay's anger completely vanished as he greeted back, "Good morning." And again, the story of this awkward couple continues.

     "Wow, those two are in good terms already?" Minhyuk asked in disbelief while he was walking the corridor with Jiyong.

     "What do you expect with that awkward couple? They fight more than Taeil and Jihoon now, it's insane!" Jiyong shouted in annoyance, making Minhyuk chuckle. When they passed Lay and Suho's door, Minhyuk quickly shouted, "Suho! I miss you already! When are you going to break up with Lay and move out?!"

     He and Jiyong chuckled, and the door opened wide, revealing Suho and Lay, both with huge smiles on their faces.

     "What the hell is happening here?" Suho asked as he looked at the two.

     "Good morning to you too. Breakfast is ready," Jiyong stated before walking away, making Minhyuk smile and follow Jiyong to the dining room.

     The rest of the Demons and the Arcs proceeded to the dining room to eat their breakfast. They did their usual routine: sit on your proper seat, pray, and eat.

     While eating, Sunggyu decided to open up a topic, and yes, it was about the ghoul slash messenger that attacked Suho and Lay at their so-called vacation in Jeju. Apparently Park Dongmin (The Arcs' guardian), "miraculously" knew about the event, that's why he sent Lay and Suho there and used their sudden-relationship as an excuse so Suho could hear the message and relay it to his brothers.

    "I know we haven't rested for a while but we need to talk about the battle on Februa-" Dongmin quickly cuts Sunggyu off and said, "Let's forget about that for now."

     "Why? Is something more important than that?" Sunggyu asked as he looked at Dongmin.

      "Apparently yes. That's why today, I want you all to go back to school," Dongmin suddenly revealed, making everyone look at him with shock.

     "What?!" everyone said in unison. Without saying anything, Dongmin throws a letter in the middle of the table. Junhyung opened it for them, and the rest went to his side to see what it was about.

     Dear Park Dongmin,

     Greetings from Holy Angels University!

     We have found out that these students are currently in your care, so we decided to address this situation to you. We would like to inform you that the following students must attend their classes starting next week:

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