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HELLO EVERYONE, THIS IS Kim Jong-In, also known as Kai, the slayers of the RAVENS. Sometimes people see me as a heartless person who kills without feeling any guilt. But everyone's wrong. There's a story behind every villain. They're not always evil you know. There's always a sad back story behind it. 

     Mine is the same, but sadder than anyone had ever heard. I was my mom's slave, for 13 fucking years. And I could remember everything like it was just yesterday.


     My mother was a Satanist. A very faithful one to be exact. Ever since I was young she told me that it was the King of hell and the Seven Deadly Demons who was going to save us, not God. She was so faithful that she left my dad and told him that she could only please one man, and that was the King of Hell. 

      She started to be like that when her first child died. Father told me she kept on praying to God for a healthy child, but it still wasn't enough because the baby died inside her womb. So when the second one came, which is me, she decided to pray to someone else, and that was the King of Hell. And when I was born, she continued to praise him.

     Of course, I wasn't happy about her doing that, but what can I do? She was my mother.

     So, are you asking why I wasn't left behind even though my mom said she could only serve one man?

     Well, my mother loved me a lot, that's something I know, and she couldn't leave me like what she did to my father. So what she did was make me a sacrifice. She did her ritual on my body, made me a slave of her sick beliefs.

     "My son, it's time for your ritual," my mother said as I forcefully stood up and went to the altar we have at home. It was a room that looked like a church, but it didn't preach god. It was a sign of praise for the King of Hell.

     I lay on my stomach as she slowly took her knife from this weird looking box. She started saying these Latin rituals, and afterward, she went towards me and started cutting the flesh on my back. Like she was drawing the sign of hell on my back like it was paper. Old and healed bruises were once again opened. 

     Once that's over, she gets this "holy water" and sprinkles it on my back, and the pain would escalate in my entire body. All I could do was grip on the sides on what I was laying on. Trying not to faint and shed a tear.

      Afterward, she starts chanting again. But this time she took a cup and filled it with my blood. And she drinks it all like it wasn't her son's blood at all.  When everything is done, she says nothing and leaves me. Not even going to help me as the blood on my back continues to drip. This happened to me every full moon. But the bruises don't heal fast so I can feel the pain pretty much every day.

     I couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't fight back. Well, I didn't fight back. I was praying and praying until God could help me, asking him that even with all this I still remained faithful to Him and Him alone. But nothing happened, and I started to think that it was right for my mother and me to praise the Demons.

     When I turned 18 I knew that I wasn't going places if I stay with my mother. So the moment she left the house. I left. And I never came back.  At that moment I felt free. And I didn't thank god, nor the King of Hell for the freedom I have achieved. 

     Because I no longer preached anyone.

     A few months later I was starving and homeless. I didn't know where to go. I couldn't risk going to my mother's relatives, and I couldn't even find my father. So there was no other way, I had to steal.

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