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- Ok Taecyeon's POV -

"THIS IS SO FUCKING good," I said in delight as I continue to devour the meal in front of me. But as I was eating in peace, someone aggressively knocked on the door, making me angrily stop eating.

     "What is it?!" I said with a furious voice. The door opened, and Tayo – my right-hand ghoul – came inside with a panicked expression.

     "Close the fucking door you useless piece of shit," I ordered, and he immediately obliged.

     "What the fuck do you want? You know I don't want to be disturbed when I'm in a feast." I said as I continued eating.

     "I know, but this matter is something that you should really be concerned about boss." Tayo seriously stated, but I ignored him and continued eating, blood dripping on the side of my mouth like I was a child sloppily eating ice-cream. Tayo fidgets and took a step closer, "Boss, I think you really have to listen to what I have to say." 

     "Then tell me straight up or I'll eat you!" I screamed as I faced him, making Tayo flinch.

     "It's about Crocell boss," he quickly answered, and that finally made me stop eating. Tayo nervously looked at me and continued, "She's dead."

     "What?!" I angrily shouted, making Tayo flinch again.

     "Nagi called and told me that he found Crocell inside her apartment, dead and soulless," Tayo explained.

     "Do you think it's them?" I asked, now serious with the conversation.

     "We're not sure, but I told the others to stay on guard to be cautious," Tayo stated.

     "Good. And tell the others to prepare for the frat war as well. What happened to Crocell shouldn't be a hindrance to us," I commanded.

     "Yes, boss." Tayo bowed and left me inside my feeding room.

     "If Crocell is dead, then I'm next. Fuck! I just took this body just recently as well!" I said to myself as I looked at the dead bodies on the floor, "I just lost my appetite," I said as I went outside my feeding room.

      Oh yeah, I'm Adramelech, but in this realm, I am Ok Taecyeon, leader of the frat Laimargia.

     Being in a frat is very convenient especially after frat wars because I can feed on the dead bodies of the frat we defeated. Well, what do you expect from a glutton like me right?

     Like any other Sinner, half of my frat members are ghouls, and the other half are humans. Why humans? So that people will not notice, and so that I can eat them when we don't have a frat war. You might think that after knowing Crocell is dead I'll be scared as hell. Well, you're fucking wrong. It makes me even more excited than before.

     Whoever they are, I'll kill them and eat them as gruesome as I can.


"What?!" shouted the 6 brothers in unison when they heard what Taeil - their master planner - had said to them regarding their next mission.

     "Frat war? We're going to join a frat war?" Minhyuk asked with a worried tone in his voice.

     "Can we kill this guy a little more discretely?" Hyunseung suggested, but Taeil looked back at the computer in front of him and answered,  "Sorry, but this is the only way we can come any closer to Sinner two." Taeil explained.

     "Okay, but how are we going to join the frat war? We're not even a frat," Jiyong asked.

     "Well, we are already a group. And according to my resources, any frat can join," Taeil assured his brothers, which actually doesn't make things any better.

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