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- Roy Kim's POV -


"MASTER KIM," SOMEONE CALLED out from outside my room. I continued to ignore it, but the man wouldn't stop knocking on the door, finally making me open my eyes in irritation. I sat up from my bed and aggressively scratched my head, "What the fuck is it, man?"

    The door opened, showing me my secretary Ken. He went to where I was and said, "We have a serious problem master."

     I yawned and scratched my head before asking, "Is it about the company?"

     "No, it's about the 'other' matter," Ken said as he emphasized the word other. I looked at him with my squinted eyes, and Ken nodded as if he understood what I was trying to say. 

     "How?" I asked, now serious.

     "I asked one of our men to go to Crocell's warehouse to get your suit, but when he arrived, everyone was already dead, including Crocell," Ken explained, making me massage my forehead in frustration.

     "How about the others?" I then asked.

     "I went to Adramelech and he was not there either. And so was his ghoul Tayo."

     "Do you think it's them?" I continued to ask, and Ken nodded his head to confirm it, "Yes, Master Kim. That's why we need you to be under surveillance until the situation is under control," Ken said and I just nodded while yawning again.

     I was about to close my eye again, but someone suddenly knocked on the door again. Ken answered for me since I was too lazy to open my mouth. The person who knocked was actually one of the maid's that took care of this body's owner. The maid went closer and bowed in front of me, "Master Roy, your father asked for your presence."

     "Okay, I'll be there," I stated, and she bowed again and immediately went outside the room.

     "Let's talk about this later," I told Ken.

     I stood up from the bed, and Ken immediately took my robe and helped me wear it. Then I went out of my room and walked my way to my 'father's' office, trying my best to act as human as possible.

     I am Gressil by the way, but in this place, I am Roy Kim, the son of a famous CEO here in Japan. But then again, I just took this kid's body for my convenience, especially that we, the Seven Keys, are being targeted by the Betrayers of Hell. 

     Ken is the only ghoul I have. I don't need ghouls' protection because I always steal the body of famous people like actors, CEO's or the son of CEO's like this one. It effortlessly makes me untouchable, unlike the others.

     "Good morning father," I said with a deep bow as soon as I entered my father's office with Ken.

     My father didn't look at me; he just kept on looking at the scenery outside his window.

     "Tomorrow night, we will have a party," he told me.

     "What's the party all about?" I asked him. Then he stood up from his chair and walked in front of his table to finally face me.

     "It's about my resignation in the company, and also a party that will announce that you..." he said as he held my shoulders, "are my successor," he continued with a smile. I wasn't really excited about the sudden news but I just smiled back anyway.

     "Now look for a suit that will make you look like a president," he ended. 

     I bowed and so does Ken, and then we went outside his office.

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