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SUHO WOKE UP LATE again, but this time, Lay was beside him, staring at his face sweetly. If it was something else, Suho would find it creepy. But since it was Lay, Suho felt like he was looking at an angel, which was funny because Lay actually is one.

     "Good morning," Lay whispered with a smile, and Suho greeted him with a soft kiss. The two rested a little longer, staring at each other like a disgusting couple at a cliché rom-com movie. They wanted to stay like this forever, and they knew it was possible. They just had to make this last day work out.

     "Looks like we're going home tomorrow. What do you think, are we going home together or not?" Suho asked, playing with the Lay's hair.

     "I think that depends. Let's just make sure I don't get to meet a girl today," Lay playfully stated, making Suho chuckle.

     "That was our first fight though. And we handled it pretty well," Suho seriously says, but quickly laughed after saying those words, making Lay laugh too.  They both knew the situation yesterday wasn't handled that well. It was handled pretty badly actually. What would you expect anyway? The two didn't have a step-by-step process. I think Suho doesn't even know Lay's birthday. They didn't go to the stage where they were given a chance to know each other. They skipped every step and became together.

     "Should we stay here the whole day then?" Suho suggested, but Lay frowned, making Suho chuckle again. Suho held Lay's cheeks gently and said, "Then let's go to the beach today. I bet that would be fun. And considering the noise outside, it looks like it's going to jam-pack."

     Lay smiled, stood up from their bed and quickly went to the balcony to check if there were really people at the beach today. Suho's instincts were right because the beach was packed with people.

     "Joon! Look!" Lay shouted, and Suho went there to see it too.

     "Told you," Suho said with a grin. Without looking at Suho, Lay said, "It looks like they're celebrating the last day of their festival at the beach."

     "Then what are we waiting for? Let's eat breakfast and head over there," Suho grabbed Lay's hand and both went down do eat breakfast with the maids and the butlers. After that, the two quickly went to the beach, only to grab everyone's attention again.

     Just to make things clear, the Demons and Angels are handsome boys, but since they're not really pure humans, something about them grabs the attention of people. Let's say their angelic and demonic genes act as an irresistible pheromone.

     "Best way to spend our last day here. Wanna swim?" Suho asked while the two continued walking. Lay hesitated, but he answered, "You go ahead, I'll with the sand."

     Suho laughs upon hearing Lay's answer, "Play with sand?" then he quickly carried Lay off his feet, surprising the angel.

     "W-what are you...let me down!" Lay shouted.

     Suho – carrying Lay – started walking towards the ocean. People were looking at them, but still, they didn't mind. I guess it wasn't normal here, but in HAU, it was so normal for boys to be in a relationship with each other, especially that they didn't have any girls in their school. And everyone was so excited when Junhyung, Hyunseung, Mark and Jackson were announced that they were together too. The students pretty much fan boy'd over it. 

     And the Demons and the Arcs were very respected groups, not only in HAU but the whole Seoul and Gangnam. They were feared and adored at the same time.

     "You're going to swim with me whether you like it or not. You want me to look like a fool swimming alone?" Suho asked.

     "So you basically want to look like a fool...with me?" Lay said with a hint of annoyance in his voice. But he wasn't mad at all; he actually thought it was a very cute gesture.

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