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     Park Dong Min told that to the Arcs days ago, and now the Arcs are currently training in a place of peace; in the mountains. Even though they were training day and night, they still didn't know the reason why they were doing so because Dongmin never told them about what they're doing there in the first place.

     "Damn, this is tiring," Sungjae said as he sat down on the ground and wiped his sweaty brows.

     "Yeah, we've been training hard since the day we arrived here in Japan," said Woohyun as he sat beside Sungjae.

     Mark, who was practicing his sword swings, stopped and looked at their leader who was punching a sack of soil, "Why do you think our guardian made us train here Junhyung?" he asked him.

     Junhyung gave out one final punch on the sack before looking back at his brother, "I don't know, but let's just do what our guardian asked us to do."

     "Yeah, and its been a while since we followed directions blindly," Lay added.

     The Arcs took a break and sat on the floor to meditate. Jihoon, who went inside their temporary Holy Home to get some water, went back to his brothers and announced, "Dongmin called for us."

     Everyone immediately opened their eyes and looked back at the angel.

     "Why?" Seunghyun asked.

     Jihoon looked at them seriously and answered, "We have a visitor."

     The Arcs immediately stood up from the floor and went inside their home. When they arrived in the living room, they were surprised to see a tall man standing in front of their guardian. With one look, the angels already knew what it was. The Arcs got ready to summon their weapon, but Dongmin immediately stopped them, "It's okay," he told them.

     "How is this okay?!" Junhyung angrily asked, "A ghoul had entered the holy home and you're just standing there doing nothing!" Junhyung shouted. He looked at the Arcs, and they nodded in agreement. 

     Junhyung was ready to run towards the ghoul, but Dongmin immediately looked at him straight in the eye, making him unable to move.

     "What the-"

     "I told you, it's okay. When will you kids learn to listen?" Dongmin asked before taking a seat with a glass of wine at hand. He took a sip and blinked, immediately releasing Junhyung from his hold.

     "Show them your mark," Dongmin said to the ghoul who was standing in front of them. The ghoul nodded his head and looked at the demons before lifting his shirt to show them the said mark.

     Junhyung's eyes widened as he said, "Is that a-"

    "Phoenix symbol," Seunghyun continued.

     "This is Nagi. Kharon the third sent him here," Dongmin explained, calming the seven brothers.

     "It's a pleasure to meet you, Princes of Heaven," Nagi said as he bowed down to show respect to the Arcs.

     "Uhm, yeah, it's nice to meet you too...Nagi," Mark said awkwardly as the Arcs bowed back.

     When the problem was now settled, Dongmin gestured Nagi to sit on the couch opposite him. When Nagi took a seat, the Arcs went behind their guardian who immediately asked, "The reason why you're here concerns the Demons, am I correct?" 

     Junhyung and the rest of the Arcs almost flinched by the mere mention of the Demons. They wanted to ask more, but the seriousness on Nagi's face made everyone fall silent.

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