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"GOOD NEWS EVERYONE. WE'RE together," Suho announced to the Arcs and Demons who were in the living room. Suho was standing beside Lay, holding his hands tightly. All the sons stopped what they were doing to look back at the two, making sure they didn't just hear something dumb come out of this greedy prince's mouth.

     "Well?" Suho asked, waiting for a reaction.

     The son looked at the two, then down to their intertwined hands, and then back to them. After a few more seconds of staring, everyone finally got the picture. 

     "What?!" everyone shouted in unison; shocked on the news announced to them. Even Park Dongmin was there, but he didn't look that shocked like the rest of the brothers.

     "What did you say Suho? Can you repeat that one more time?" Sunggyu asked, not too thrilled to hear the news as well.

     "Lay and I are together now!" Suho answered enthusiastically, but no one really felt the same excitement as Suho. Honestly, Lay's freaked out about it himself too. It looks like Suho was the only one enjoying this.

     Junhyung, who is just as speechless as the rest, went in between them and said, "What the fuck is happening here? Yesterday we were just helping Kai and Tamo - who's both been connected with you guys. And suddenly this?! Out of nowhere, you announce that you're together?! Lay fucked Tamo for Pete's sake!"

     Lay glared at Junhyung upon hearing his statement, "Really Junhyung? You still can't get over that part?"

     "Look, we're just concerned about your decision. Aren't you guys being irrational about this? These things have steps you know," Mark explained, and basically, they agreed but still found it funny since Mark himself said it. 

     Suho suddenly felt bad. He didn't expect this reaction from his brothers. He honestly thought they'd be happy about it.

     "Why can't you just be happy for us?" Suho asked with a hint of sadness in his voice.

     Hyunseung saw how Suho felt, so he sighed and told him, "Well, we are happy for the both of you, but...are you guys sure? We don't even see you guys talk to each other that much. Are you sure you already want to be in a relationship? You can start as friends, then best friends, and when you guys are sure, what the heck, marry each other for all we care. Even though it sounded weird when Mark said it, he's still right. You should at least take your time to know each other first."

     Suho looked like he was considering it, but he still insisted on them being together.

    "But we can get to know each other and be together at the same time, what's wrong about that? Being friends would be a waste of time. If we're meant to be together, we're meant to be together." Suho defended.

     Then finally, the Arcs' guardian spoke.

     "Lay, you haven't given us your opinion about this yet. Are you sure about this or did Suho just force you to do it?" Dongmin asked seriously, making everyone look at Lay's way.

     Lay gulped, pressured if he messes up his answer. When he thought of the right words, he said, "Well, I do want to be in a relationship with someone. And I think...Suho will be the perfect match."

     Everyone wanted to facepalm. How could they agree to this without thinking about it properly?

     "Are you sure?" Dongmin asked further. And both Suho and Lay nodded in agreement.

     "Okay then," Dongmin surprisingly answered, shocking the brothers.

     "Dongmin! Are you serious?!" Junhyung angrily asked. But Dongmin ignored him and faced Suho and Lay, "I'm giving you three days. You need to spend the whole three days together. Every second, every minute, and every hour, you'll be together. Let's see if you two can spend the whole day without fighting. If you realize that things don't work out, then stop this nonsense. But if you can handle it, we'll happily accept your relationship," Dongmin seriously explained.

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