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"WHAT THE FUCK IS that?" Jackson asked with an expressionless face as they all stared at the large egg that strangely looked like a dragon egg.

     "Well, it's your guardian, Kharon the Third," Beelzebub answered with a smile. Then the Demons had a shocked face like they couldn't believe that their guardian was inside that small red egg. The irony since he was practically a bird. He's a Phoenix, remember?

     Sunggyu slowly took the basketball-sized egg but felt how hot it was, "H-how did you-"

     "Lucifer saved him from the tortures of the King. Since Lucifer was the only one who was really close to the castle, and he was the strongest of us all, he escaped and took Kharon. Then with all his strength, he placed him here for him to heal. It's been weeks, so when you release him he'll be in perfect shape," Beelzebub explained.

     "Dongmin will be excited to see him for sure", Junhyung stated with a grin on his face.

     "I bet he will," Beelzebub confirmed.

     Taeil scratched his head in confusion, "But how on earth are we going to open that? Crack it or something?"

     "Let Peter do it. He'll know," Beelzebub revealed, confusing everyone.

     "Peter?" said everyone in confusion, making Beelzebub laugh, "Oh my, looks like you don't know yet."

     The Demons confusingly looked at each other so Beelzebub continued, "Peter, also known as St. Peter, is the gatekeeper of Heaven. He's the one who brings the good souls to heaven. Park Dongmin is the reincarnation of Peter, like how the apostles had a new generation, so he's like Peter the Third. He's basically the opposite of Kharon. Kharon the Third is the Demon who drags souls to Hell since he doesn't stay on earth that much, he doesn't have a human name. Well, he used to have a human name but that's something that we can't use anymore since we already died, so we just call him Kharon. But since Peter's been staying on earth for a while, of course when Peter was still human his name wasn't Park Dong Min, it's just something that he made up, to fit right in."

     "So it's like Father Matthew, who's earth name have been Wen Junhui. If Father Matthew comes back to earth, he can't use his name Wen Junhui again, am I right?" Woohyun asked and Beelzebub nodded in agreement.

     While everyone was talking and asking more things about their guardians, Sunggyu butted in and said, "I hate to burst your bubble but we need to go. I don't want to sound rude but we only have limited time left before the invisibility wears off. I'm sorry Father Beelzebub but..."

     "No Sunggyu, you're right. You must head out now before the ghouls start seeing you. We promise to meet each other again. Good luck everyone."

     Minhyuk once again gave his father a hug. His encounter with his father wasn't that emotional like Hyunseungs but it still boosted Minhyuk's confidence. Just by seeing his Father's current state, he knew that he had to do his best to help his father.

     "Let's go. Thank you, father." Sunggyu stated, then everyone left, heading to the last stop for today.

     "You lead the way Prince Suho," Jiyong said with a smirk.

     Suho gulped loudly as he stared at the dark path ahead of them. Greed, what on earth will these sons see in the Realms of Greed?

     "W-Well...let's go, everyone. Follow me," Suho stated, a little scared but still proceeded. As they were walking, screaming was heard once more.

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