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- Bobby Kim's POV -

"MOVE ASSHOLE. THE KING is passing," one of the delinquent students shouted as I was walking down the hallway with a lollipop in my mouth. I didn't like brushing past these disgusting humans, so whenever I walk around our school, my underlings would push them away for me.   

     "The fuck, he ain't no king." One of the students who we walked past whispered at himself.  He thought I wasn't able to hear him, but sadly for him, I did. So I walked towards him, making my underlings stop walking behind me as well.

     The man who whispered something about me immediately looked at me and took a step back, fear present in his eyes.

     "What did you just say?" I asked as looked at him.

     The guy gulped, his fear clearly showing, but he tried to act cool anyways even though he could piss his pants any second. He looked at me with a smug face, then he repeated, "I said...You ain't no king."

     Everyone in the hallway became quiet. I looked at him seriously, then, I started laughing like a madman. The guy looked at me weirdly, and when I stopped laughing, I looked back at him and said, "You're funny," and without hesitation, I grabbed him by the neck, and the smirk on my face vanished as it turned into a taunting glare.

     The guy made a choking sound as he tried to escape from my grip. The other students in the hallway just looked at me with fear, and damn it made me feel even more powerful. I gripped the guy's neck even tighter, and when he was about to pass out, someone suddenly had the nerve to interrupt me-

     "Kim Bobby, let go of that student immediately," a teacher commanded as he appeared in front of us.

      I clicked my tongue and dropped the student who was trying to catch his breath while holding his neck.

     "To the principal's" The teacher added as he went towards me to aggressively grab my arm. Then, I let him escort me to the principal's office with no struggle.

     The name's Bobby by the way. If you didn't know then now you know. I'm a student and the king in this school, but that's nothing to who I really am. My real name is Azazel, and I am the 7th Sinner, Pride. Obviously I'm the most powerful Sinner among the seven of us, and unfortunately for them, I'm also the youngest. 

     I'm the strongest, that's why the King of Hell chose me as the keeper of the last key because he knows that I am capable of keeping it safe, not like the other six.

      You might ask why I chose this kid's body, and not some old and powerful guy. Well, the reason is because kids are agile, powerful, and strong compared to some old fuckers. And besides, being young is the best gift anyone could ever have, so why miss the chance of being in a body as young as this? 

     "Principal! I'm coming in! "The teacher shouted as he loudly knocked at the principal's office door. The principal told him to come inside, so the teacher, who was still grabbing me by my arm, opened the door and dragged me inside the room along with him.

     "What is it this time?" the principal asked as she placed the file she was reading on her table.

      "Mado-sama, Bobby strangled one of his schoolmates in the hallway again," the teacher said as he looked at me angrily. Then he looked back at the principal and continued, "You know this can ruin our reputation if it gets out, and the school festival is getting closer too."

     The teacher continued to look at me with anger, but I rolled my eyes and still didn't say anything. The principal sighed and massaged her temple in frustration, "I'll handle this. You may leave my office," she said, and the teacher just nodded and went outside the office. 

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