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THE PHOENIX LANDED IN front of the Demons and the SOLs. As soon as he did, the fire that surrounded him vanished, revealing the Seven Demons' guardian, Kharon the third.

     "It's good to see seven princes." Kharon went for a 360-degree bow. Then he went towards Taeil and held his hand gently. A blood tear fell from Kharon's eyes as he bowed down on his knee while still holding Taeil's hand.

     "I am not worthy of your forgiveness Prince Taeil," he said, making everyone remember the incident with Woo Jiho.

     A blood tear fell from Taeil too as he looked back at Kharon. They expected Taeil to run off or even be mad at Kharon after what he's done, but Taeil kneeled in front of Kharon and let go of his hand from Kharon's tight grip. Everyone was shocked when Taeil suddenly hugged Kharon tightly.

     "I am see you again Kharon," Taeil said instead.

     Kharon started crying, hugging Taeil back.

     "I'm happy to see you too kid," Kharon answered.

     "Welcome back guardian," Sunggyu said with a smile, and Kharon smiled back at him.

     The two stood up, then Kharon looked at the three SOLs.

     "Looks like you have finally arrived. The Rulers had also informed me about this before they placed me inside the egg. And they instructed me to give you your final training before leaving for Japan to kill the 7 sinners," Kharon explained.

     "Then what are we waiting for? Let the training begin master," Taeil stated with a wide smile.

     Kharon smirked and snapped his fingers, bringing the ten of them to the forest where he and the Demons trained their powers before.

     "Welcome back to our training grounds kids," Kharon stated as he placed his hands inside his pockets, "Before we start I want you all to know the things that we're going to do today. When we face the seven sinners, we don't just fight them, we make strategies. We'll be coming up with plans before approaching them. It's not all about attacking, it's about brains as well. And I clearly know that all of you are intelligent. Taeil will do the planning, and the rest will contribute. I will give you all the backgrounds of the sinners we need to kill, are you all ready?"

     "Yes." The brothers said in unison.

     "Okay, our first sinner, lust. This sinner is a famous fashion designer in Japan, but at night Sinner 1 is the most famous human trafficking leader in Asia. Sinner 1 has a lot of yakuza connections so this will be hard," Kharon explained.

     "Wow, sounds fancy," Minhyuk joked, but when no one laughed, he coughed and became serious.

     "Thank you for shutting up Minhyuk," Hyunseung stated, also getting irritated by Minhyuk's loudmouth. When the two stopped, Kharon continued, "Sinner 2, Glutton. A very strong fraternity leader, and of course an eater...of humans."

     "Of course he is," again, Minhyuk stated.

     "Sinner three, Greed. Is a famous thief in Japan. Sinner 3 is not a good fighter, but an outstanding runner and hides well. It will be a pain if this sinner runs away from us."

     "Looks like I'm handling another thief (referring to Kai)," Suho stated, and then Kharon once again continued, "Sloth will be a little hard since sinner 4 is a son of a CEO. This sinner is very guarded, so we need to fit in with the elites to be able to be connected with them. But of course, Jiyong can handle that."

     Jiyong doesn't say anything but smirked proudly.

     "The next sinner is sinner 5, Wrath. He's even tougher than the last four since he's a yakuza leader. If you remember Kharon the Second, also known as Taro Yamada, the leader of the famous yakuza called Red Rangers, then you'd remember the Black soldiers, the Red Rangers mortal enemy," Kharon explained, hoping the Demons would remember it.

     "Can't we just ask for Yamada's help?" Taeil asked, making everyone agree with his suggestion.

     "Yes, it would be easier. But have you forgotten? Kharon the Second, also known as Taro Yamada, does not remember you at all," Kharon explained, making everyone realize it.

     "Then let's continue with the next sinner. Sinner 6, Envy. Sinner six is a very famous singer in Japan, so it will also be hard for you to be able to get close to that Sinner."

     "And for Pride?" Sunggyu asked.

     "Sinner 7 will be the hardest one. He's a teenager, and studies at the most dangerous high school in Japan, 'Keepers High'. Keepers High holds the most number of delinquents, and of course, the most dangerous students in the country. And Sinner 7, is the king of the said school."

     "Easy", Jiyong stated with a smirk, still prideful since he thinks he's the strongest Demon on earth.

     "Now that I've told you all the information about the sinners, you'll now be able to make a plan with ease. To continue, I need to teach you three new powers. First, the ability to absorb and pass a weak soul to another. Second, the ability of invisibility. I know Dongmin thought you that already, but this one is different. This power won't make you invisible, but it will release an aura that will make a lower Demon unable to sense if the person they are talking to is also a demon. Sadly, this won't work with the Wrath, Envy, and Pride sinners, but this will be a good help to the once above them." Kharon paused for a few seconds then continued, "And lastly...the ability to kill a Demon."

     Everyone's looked at each other in excitement.

     "But before we start, I'll explain to you one last thing. Once we arrive in Japan, we'll be proceeding to the Ravens and talk to Asano Tamo so we could officially start with the mission," Kharon explained further.

     "No problem," Sunggyu stated, and then Kharon smiled and nodded his head. He looked at the Demons one by one. He missed them dearly, and can't wait to train them again, "Now demons...let's begin."

- END -

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