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Sunggyu puts the last rose in front of the headstone that read, "Kwon Jiyong. June 6, 1996 - November 14, 2014".

Note: we used 2014 since we originally published this story last 2014

     Sunggyu stared at the grave, but he didn't cry. There were no more tears left in him. The rest of the Demons stood at the side, staring at the grave as well.

     "Rest in peace, my little boy..." Mrs. Kwon stated as she wiped the tears on her face.

     After Jiyong's death, the sons found out that people's memory of Kwon Jiyong was erased. Only the Demons (Maybe even the Arcs), Kai, Tamo, the Demon's mothers, and Jiyong's parents, were the only once who remembered him. Only the people who saw his dead body.

     They found out about it when Charles told the school about his son's death. The principal was confused because he didn't know a student named Kwon Jiyong, and that there were no files that proved that Kwon Jiyong even enrolled at Holy Angels University.

     "Sunggyu..." Charles called out as he walked towards the Demon's leader. Sunggyu looked at Charles as Charles handed him a box that he was very familiar with. It was the same box Sunggyu and the rest of the Demons received on their 18th birthday. The box their demonic father had given to them that changed their whole life.

     "Jiyong...he never read the letter. I think it's best that you and your brothers keep it." Charles stated.

     Sunggyu slowly took the box from Charles's hand and nodded. Then Charles squeezed Sunggyu's shoulder and went back to his wife.

     "Let's go?" Charles asked, and Mrs. Kwon looked at the Demons first and said, "Thank you, sons."

      The six looked back at the two and bowed as they left the cemetery.

     "Minhyuk, we'll head out first," Minhyuk's mother stated as she looked at her son. Minhyuk nodded and she and the rest of the Demons' mothers left with Charles and Mrs. Kwon.

     "Tamo...we should leave them with Jiyong as well," Kai stated as he looked at Tamo who was still crying until now.

     Tamo wiped his tears and nodded. Kai placed his arms around his lover's waist and looked at the sons, "We'll head back to the hotel and go back to Japan tomorrow. We're here Demons. Know that if you need anything, we will always be there for you."

     "Thank you, Kai...Tamo," Suho stated as he went to the two to hug them. Kai and Tamo hugged him back, then the rest of the sons bowed to show their gratitude for the service these two mortals have given to them.

     "Good luck on your journey...our princes," Tamo stated as he and Kai bowed in front of the Demons as well before finally leaving.

     The six were silent as they slowly stared back at Jiyong's grave. Then, Jackson sat down on the grass, just right in front of Jiyong. Taeil did the same, then the rest of the sons followed. The six created a semi-circle surrounding Jiyong. Sunggyu, who was in the middle, showed the box to his brothers.

     "This idiot didn't even read the letter father Lucifer gave him," Sunggyu revealed, placing the box on top of Jiyong's grave.

     "Typical Jiyong," Suho stated with a soft chuckle.

     "Should we read it?" Hyunseung suggested, and everyone nodded in agreement.

     Sunggyu took the box and opened it, "I'll read it so listen to it carefully this time Kwon Jiyong," Sunggyu stated as he looked back at Jiyong's grave. Then Sunggyu unfolded the paper and read it out loud.

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