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THE SEVEN DEMONS WERE panting heavily in the middle of the soccer field of the school that they entered earlier. The 7th and final finally had now been defeated, and the brothers couldn't believe it themselves.    

     "So does it feel?" Jackson asked with a grin as he looked at Jiyong who was oozing with great power. Jiyong looked at his brothers and started laughing, "It's fucking amazing!"

     The rest laughed with him.

     "Who would have thought that we'd be doing such a thing right?" Minhyuk asked, and Hyunseung hugged him tightly.

     "I thought you'd fucking die you, idiot," Hyunseung stated, still hugging Minhyuk. Minhyuk hugs his best friend tighter and said, "I can't die you know. Who else would scare away the boys whose stalking you?" The two finally broke from the hug and looked at the rest of their brothers.

     "So, when are we going to plan for the execution of the King?" Suho asked as he looked at their master planner, Taeil. But instead of Taeil, Sunggyu answered and said, "For now let's rest. If God can rest on his seventh day, why can't we?"

     The brothers looked at each other and smiled widely.

     "But first..." Suho stated, then everyone looked at him confusingly. Suho grinned and shouted, "Another group hug!"

     Everyone hesitated since they've been hugging each other since earlier, but they did it anyway. Jiyong, who was now twice as prideful, didn't join the hug anymore. So Sunggyu, who was twice as evil now, glared at him, making Jiyong flinch with just that.

     "F-Fine", Jiyong said as he finally joined his brother. Jackson grabbed his brother tightly and told everyone, "Good job brothers...good job."


Christmas Eve was getting closer, but that's not what the sons were worried about. What they're thinking of right now was that their encounter with the King of Hell is getting nearer and nearer, and everyone is nervous and anxious about it.

     "We're a few days down for our final battle. You guys nervous?", Minhyuk asked while he, his brothers, Kharon, the SOLs, Kai, and Tamo, were eating at a private restaurant Tamo knows in Japan. Of course, the SOLs had to just sit quietly on the side since they don't eat human food.

     "A little," Taeil answered as he continued eating. Then Suho nodded and said, "Yeah, the thought of actually facing him just gives me the chills."

     Kharon looks at the two and says, "You shouldn't be. If you're feeling nervous now then what will happen when the actual battle happens? You gonna piss your pants?"

    "Come on Kharon-nim. Give the guys a break. It's just normal to be nervous." Sunggyu defended for the sake of his brothers. But he knew Kharon was somehow right about the whole thing.

    Sunggyu then looks at Minhyuk and Suho and reassured them, "All of us are nervous okay? And that's normal. But remember that the rest of us are right behind you, and no one will be left behind no matter what."

     "Don't baby them Sunggyu, they won't grow," Kharon suddenly stated without even looking at Sunggyu, so Sunggyu quickly looks at their mentor and bickers back, "Degrading them and making them feel scared will make them weaker, and that's not what my brothers need right now."

     Kharon was going to say something, but shuts his mouth and decides to remain silent.

     "Okay, can we have a normal lunch even for once? We just finished killing the Sinners, I don't want you killing each other next." Hyunseung advised, and no one wanted to be against him.

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