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IT WAS ALREADY MIDNIGHT, but the Demons still practiced for the contest. Minhyuk taught them the steps one by one. It was good as perfect, especially if Jackson would already join them.

     "Let's call it a night," Sunggyu said, panting heavily after their intense practice. They've never felt exhausted in their life, which is crazy since they've already gone through extreme training sessions with their guardian Kharon.

     "Yeah, that's a good idea," Taeil said as he lies down and breathed heavily.

     The Demons lied down and immediately fell asleep, but just in time, Jackson woke up. He took a deep breath and stood up from the sofa, only to see his brothers all tired and unconscious. So instead of waking them up, he walked through the tired bodies and went to Tamo's table. On the computer, he saw the folder of the CCTV footage, so he watched it once again.

     While watching, Hyunseung slowly sat up, "Jackson?" he called out as he rubbed his eyes.

     "Oh sorry, did I wake you?" Jackson asked as he looked at Hyunseung. Hyunseung stood up, stretched his arms, and went towards Jackson.

     "You need to rest. You've never had a chance to sleep," Jackson said with a concerned tone in his voice.

     "It's okay, I can rest from time to time like Taeil," Hyunseung stated as he looked at Taeil who was snoring, making the two Demons chuckled.

     "So what are you doing?" Hyunseung asked as he looked at the monitor.

     "You're watching it again?" he added when he saw the CCTV footage.

     "It's just that I need to know what I did so that I will know how I will flirt with her again," Jackson said while staring at the monitor. And then, the footage shows the smile that Hyunseung rarely sees.

     "That's the smile that you only give to Mark, isn't it?" Hyunseung pointed out, and Jackson sighed and answered, "Yeah, but not anymore."

     Hyunseung looked at Jackson and immediately turned off the monitor.

     "Hey! Why did you do that for?" Jackson asked, but Hyunseung just pulled Jackson out from the chair and said, "Lets drink."

     Jackson didn't have time to give a reply because Hyunseung was already walking out. Jackson looked at his sleeping brothers and sighed, then he followed Hyunseung outside the office. When Hyunseung saw Jackson behind him, he smiled widely, "I thought you were going to bail on me." He said as they were standing outside the Raven's headquarters.

     Jackson smiled back and draped his arms around his brother, "I don't bail on people. So come on, what do you want to drink?"


Hyunseung and Jackson arrived at a nearby pub that didn't have a lot of people. But even though there wasn't a large crowd, the two demons were already catching everyone's attention thanks to their strong presence.

     "What would you like to drink?" the bartender asked when he saw Hyunseung and Jackson enter. Hyunseung doesn't even say anything and only smiled at the bartender. Just by that, the male bartender blushes and pulls his tightening pants down a little.

     Jackson saw what happened and just rolled his eyes. Then the bartender quickly cleared his throat and asked again, "W-What would you two like?"

     "Saki please," Hyunseung requested, and the bartender immediately nodded his head and went to get what Hyunseung asked for.

     "Why did you bring me here?" Jackson asked as he looked at the place.

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