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- Son Ga-in's POV -

"MY LADY, YOU'RE UP." My ghoul, also my assistant slash manager Rise, stated as he entered the dressing room.    

     I was humming the song that I'll be singing on my opening act while I finished applying my makeup. As I put on my lipstick, I catch a glimpse of Rise on the reflection in the mirror. She didn't have to say anything for me to understand why she was there.

     I smacked my lips together and stood up from my seat. After checking myself for one last time, I went out of the dressing room, Rain following right behind me.

     Walking towards the stage, the hair on my skin stands as I hear the screams of my oh-so-loyal-fans in the distance. The sound of my name being shouted made me smirk.




      "I really love hearing my name being shouted like that," I said as Rise gave me my microphone. I got ready and gripped on the mic before asking, "Do I have some fanboys waiting for me at my dressing room later?"

     Rise approached me and adjusted my clothes one last time, "Yes, my lady." 

     "Good. After this, I need to eat a lot." I said as I licked my lips hungrily.

      "We're live on 5..." one of my ghouls said and I took a deep breath and got ready.

      "4, 3, 2, 1..." As my ghoul finished counting down, the lift went up and my fans started screaming my name even louder.

     I'm Gain and I am the rising star in the idol industry here in Japan. Of course, that's just my cover-up. My real identity is Carreau, and I am the 6th Sinner. I'm envious as fuck, that's why after the King of Hell granted us the gift to walk in this world, I took the body of idols so everyone's attention would be on me. But this body has been my favorite amongst the 19 bodies that I have already taken. You know why? Because this body has the ability to lure so many men that I could eat afterward.

     And chanting my name alone makes my body so hot that I could have my orgasm just from it.

     "My Lady?" Rise called out as she slowly entered my dressing room right after the concert.

     I angrily stood up from the floor and wiped my blood-covered mouth with the back of my hand. I looked down on the pile of naked dead bodies in front of me before looking back at my manager who rudely interrupted my dinner time, "What is it?" I asked her.

      "We have a terrible problem." Rise seriously said, taking a bathrobe from the rack.

      I lick the blood on the back of my hand before looking at her with my right eyebrow raised, "What kind of problem?" I asked, wearing the bathrobe that she handed me before sitting down on the sofa.

     Rise hesitated, but then she gulped and said it anyway, "Xaphan and the others are dead."

     The news surprised me, but it was something that was bound to happen anyway. So I took a deep breath and took the nail file on the table so I could file my already perfect nails, "How did you find out," I asked with a bored tone.

     "I saw in the news that Ji-Hoon is dead," she revealed, confusing me.

     "And who the fuck is Jihoon?" I asked, still not looking at her.

     "Well my Lady, Ji-Hoon is Xaphan's human body." Rise answered, making me remember that Xaphan picked a Yakuza leader for a body. That man seriously likes danger.

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