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"STARTING TODAY, ZHANG YIXING - son of Raphael - you are Kai, the Slayer of the RAVEN," Satan stated as his bloody-red eyes stared down at Lay. And slowly, everything turned black, and Lay once again lost consciousness.


     It was dark and rainy in the streets of Tokyo. Even if this was one of the busiest cities in Japan, people wouldn't want to get wet due to the heavy rain and thunderstorm, so the streets were almost empty. Lay woke up on a dark alleyway, wet and naked. This must be the place where this Kim Jong-In guy was killed. Right in this dumpster area. 

      He looked at the puddle and saw his reflection; it was Kai's face that he saw. And it made his heartache.

     Lay slowly stood up and held on the walls for support. He was back in Tokyo, and the only person he knows in this city is Kenji, and he doesn't even know where he lives exactly. So, for now, Lay needs to look for some clothes, and of course, a place to stay in.

     "God, please take good care of me today," Lay quickly prayed as he started walking. Good thing no one was walking on the streets or he'd be seen naked.

     As he was walking, he saw a man about to close his sushi store. Lay quickly ran to him and said, "sir! Excuse me can I..." Lay suddenly stopped when the words that went out of his mouth was actually Japanese.

     "I can understand and speak Japanese now?" Lay thought to himself, then his attention went back to the old man who looked at him confusingly.

     "Can I borrow some clothes, sir?" Lay asked, but the old man didn't answer.

     "Please! I'm really cold and I need a place to stay in. You could even just give me a jacket or a paper bag, anything!" Lay desperately stated.

     "Come with me," the man finally said as he reopened the door of his store and went inside with Lay.

     A few minutes later, the man gave him some fresh clothes (It was from a teenage part-time worker), and then he gave him some hot tea to warm up.

     "You could stay here too if you like," the man stated as he was sitting in front of Lay.

     "Thank you so much sir," Lay stated as he took another sip from the tea the man gave him.

     "Well, if my son was naked on a rainy night then someone might just do the same to him. I'm not going to ask about what happened to you, but I hope you be careful next time so that this wouldn't happen to you again," the man explained, and Lay smiled as an answer.

     "I reckon you don't have money. Here, it's not much but I hope it helps you. You can take a cab so you could go home whenever you like. Tokyo is a dangerous place you know. A lot has died in this area, and a lot is still missing," said the man as he gave Lay the money.

    Lay took it kindly and said, "Thank you very much, sir, I promise to repay you as soon as I get back in my feet. But can I ask one more thing? I'm not from here so I have a lot of questions."

     "What is it then?" he asked. "W-why...did a lot of people die here?"

     And one of them was Kai too!

     "Yakuza's and loan sharks are everywhere in this area. They made this their battleground, and killing innocent people was their hobby. But it's a good thing the Slayer of the RAVENS is dead. It means fewer killers are on the loose," the man said with a chuckle, and Lay gulped loudly.

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