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"YOU'RE DEAD. YOU'RE ALL dead!" Sunggyu shouted as he looked straight at Junhyung's eyes. Junhyung was struggling to get away from the Demon, but Sunggyu's grip was too strong. Sunggyu then starts using his demonic power called Memory Manipulation on the Arcs leader.

     The angel was continuously trying to struggle, but his vision slowly became blurry, then everything around him turned black. Seconds later blood started coming out from his nose and ears. Then his body started shaking.

     "Junhyung! Please, Sunggyu! Please stop it!" Seunghyun shouted as he quickly ran to his brother. The rest of the Arcs ran towards him as well, but Jackson quickly stood up and threw a powerful force towards the Arcs, making them all be thrown back.

     "Sunggyu stop!" Finally, it was Kharon who did it. He quickly went to Sunggyu and covered his eyes, making Sunggyu stop the manipulation.

     Finally, Sunggyu lets go of Junhyung who fell on the ground and quickly started catching his breath.

     "I-I'm sorry...we had no...o-other...c-choice." Junhyung tried to say, still panting heavily because of what Sunggyu just did to him.

     Sunggyu quickly pushed their guardian away from him and looked back at Junhyung angrily.

    "No other choice?! Our brother is fucking dead! We were the ones who had no other choice because of you!" Sunggyu shouted even louder, then the place started to crumble. Sunggyu and the rest of the Demons were emitting so much power that the whole place couldn't even take it.

     "We need to get Junhyung. We need to get out of here," Seunghyun quickly stated as he noticed the rocks falling from the ceiling. He then looked at his brothers and said, "Carry Woohyun out of here, I'll take Junhyung."

     "But Seunhyung..." Mark tried to say.

     "No more buts. If you don't move we'll be stuck here, now go!" Seunghyun shouted, and without wasting any second, the Arcs ran away where they saw a portal suddenly forming on the wall.

     "That's our way out! Hurry!" Jihoon shouted as he pointed at the portal that was being cast by Park Dong Min on the other side.

     "I'll fucking kill you Yong Junhyung! I'll fucking kill you!" Sunggyu shouted as he quickly summoned his weapon. He was about to attack Junhyung again, but Kharon pushed him away for the second time.

     "I said stop!" Kharon shouted. When Sunggyu looked at him, he realized that there were trails of blood on Kharon's cheeks as well. Their guardian was crying. Kharon knew about the occurrence, but like the Arcs, he didn't know who it was going to be. He even thought that maybe something would change and no one from the Demons would die. So when Jiyong's life was literally taken right before their eyes, he just lost it.

     "This is not the time to fight. All of you will die if you stay here need to go, now!" Kharon quickly shouted as he saw hundreds of ghouls approaching them again.

     "Hyung..." Sunggyu sadly called out to his guardian as tears continued to fall from his eyes. Kharon wanted to push Sunggyu away, but he just couldn't take it. He quickly grabbed his prince and hugged him tightly.

     "It hurts, I know, so please calm down my prince. Jiyong's death will be all for nothing if you don't leave here immediately." Kharon stated as he gently pushed Sunggyu away. "I'll hold the ghouls off as much as I can, you take Jiyong and bring him out of here," Kharon instructed. 

     Sunggyu was hesitant, but he nodded and did what they were told.

     "Carry Jiyong. Let's go!" Sunggyu quickly commanded.

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