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WOOHYUN WENT BACK TO the mountains where the rest of the Arcs were. The five were already resting inside their rooms after a day of extreme training, but Junhyung was still wide awake, patiently waiting for his brother to arrive. So when he saw Woohyun enter the house, Junhyung quickly stood up from the couch and said, "Where the hell did you go?"

     Woohyun looked at his brother and hesitated, but he takes a deep breath and answered, "I went out for a jog."

     "At this fucking hour?" Junhyung asked, obviously not believing the lie Woohyun just told him.

     "You went to the Demons didn't you?" Junhyung asked, but Woohyun ignored him and answered, "Why the hell would I even want to see such species?"

     Junhyung was about to say something again, but Woohyun quickly went upstairs and went inside his room before Junhyung could question him more.  Woohyun quickly throws his body on the bed and looked at the ceiling.

     "Kim Sunggyu...I gave you a away now while you still can." Woohyun said softly before falling asleep.


 "The Demons have done it. They have already killed the Seven Sinners." Park Dong Min stated as he was eating breakfast with the rest of the Arcs. The Arcs didn't say anything, but they were obviously angry about the news.

     Junhyung clenched his fist and said, "And after everything that happened to us, they still did it."

     Mark kept quiet. He just didn't believe that his lover could kill a human in such a short time. But he didn't know that his lover never even harmed a single human. If only they knew.

     "So what do we do now?" Jihoon asked as he looked at his guardian.

     "We wait for them to execute their plan so we can get inside hell," Dongmin explained. Then Seunghyun added, "Then we stop the Demons from opening the King of Hell's door, right?"

     Their guardian looked at Seunghyun and nodded.

     "Who would have thought that in the end, we're still going to fight them." Sungjae stated, then suddenly, Mark stood up from his seat and said with a sad expression, "I can't do this."

     "What?" the Arcs asked in unison, looking at Mark.

     "You guys do the mission without me. I can't fucking do this stupid plan." Mark stated, and Junhyung looked at him angrily, "Watch your mouth Mark," Junhyung stated, looking at Mark with a serious expression.

     Mark clenched his fist and looked back at Junhyung angrily as well, "Junhyung, aren't you even fazed about this fucked up mission?"

     Junhyung ignored his brother's question and said instead, "Sit down so we could talk calmly."

     "I asked you a fucking question!" Mark shouted instead.

     "I told you to watch your mouth!" Junhyung shouted in full rage. But Mark wasn't fazed. He went closer to their leader and continued, "Aren't you fucking worried that you could kill Hyunseung through this mission? Aren't you fucking scared that you might kill the man you love?!"

     "That's enough." Seunghyun tried to say, but the two ignored him.

     Junhyung pulled Mark closer to him and answered, "Our father's and the rest of humanity is more important to me than those fucking Demons, do you understand me, Mark?"

     Without any warning, Mark slapped his brother, shocking everyone.

     "You know that's not true know that," Mark said, tears already forming in his eyes. But Junhyung went closer to his brother and told him, "I know my priorities, Mark. You should do the same and forget about your lover. Your lover who's brothers tried to kill you."

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