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TAMO GULPED AS HE slowly looked at the man inside the car who was deeply staring back at him. His gaze brought Tamo shivers. He was waiting at the sidewalk while the car parked right in front of him. A few minutes later, Lay finally arrived with his brothers. When Tamo saw Lay, he quickly ran to him and gave him a hug.

     "Kai, what's going on?" he asked, starting to worry.

     "I'll explain later," Lay stated as they broke from the hug.

     When Kai saw the faces of the Arcs and the Demons, he quickly went out of the car and was about to run away, but Jiyong was faster. He caught him before he could even run farther.

     "Where do you think you're going, thief?" Jiyong stated with a smirk, then he dragged him to his brothers.

     "Here you go Lay," Jiyong stated as he pushed Kai, making him fall on his knees. The Arcs and the Demon's made a circle, surrounding Kai so he couldn't have a chance to escape.

     "Kai, what's going on?" Tamo asked once again.

     Lay sighed and looked at Tamo with soft eyes, " Asano...I am not what you thought I was."

     Tamo looked back at Lay confusingly, "W-what do you mean?"

     Lay looked at Jihoon and said, "Stop time," he instructed, and Jihoon obliged, snapping his fingers and stopping time. Tamo was shocked; speechless on what happened to the surroundings.

     "W-What's going on. What are you people?!" he shouted, looking at the Demons and the Arcs.

    Jiyong smirked and showed Tamo that he could produce fire on his hands. Then Woohyun thought of showing off too, so he summoned his sword. It was the most beautiful silver sword Tamo has ever seen.

     Seconds later, Tamo finally realized it.

    "Y-you're...Demons and...Angels! We were right! You exist! Kai! This is splendid! Is this the reason why you brought me here?" Tamo stated happily. Now the worries were gone, and the only thing that consumed him was excitement.

     "No," Lay honestly stated, and with that one word, everything that Tamo felt disappeared.

     "Mr. Asano, I'm an Angel. These are my brothers, the Arcs. The Demons and my brothers had a mission, and your father helped us accomplish it. That's why when we met, I knew who you were. It might be through appearance, but I'm not Kai. I'm Lay, son of Raguel. He-" Lay paused and pointed at Kai, "He's Kai. His soul is inside my body, and my soul is inside his."

     Tamo was speechless. Everything wasn't processing in his head.

     "You're lying," Tamo finally stated.

    "No Mr. Asano, I know that you're upset but-" Tamo quickly slapped Lay, shocking everyone on his action towards their brother.

     "Stop calling me that. Kai, please don't do this," Tamo practically begged. He started tearing up, making Lay feel the guilt.

    "What have I done?" he thought to himself. He tried to touch Tamo again, but Tamo pushed him away.

     "Where's the real Kai. Where's the person that I love?" He asked, anger in his eyes as he looked at Lay.

    Lay looked at Kai, who was still silently kneeling on the floor. Tamo looked at his direction, slowly going towards him. He went down on one knee and looked at Kai.

    "Kai?" he asked.

    Kai slowly lifted his head with a smile, then he said, "Hey, how's your shoulder?" The moment the real Kai asked Tamo that question, Tamo quickly grabbed him and hugged him tightly. He started crying like he never cried his whole life.

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