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LUCIFER WAS CHAINED UP and helpless, but he had to make his move. The King was going to execute his plan soon, and he and the rest of the Rulers, and even the King Himself knew that the Demon-children, even with the help of the Arcs, are not enough to win the upcoming war with what they are now.

     The only solution is for them to use their Demonic Powers, but the only way they could do so is to kill a human being with their own hands. They need to kill to become a true Demon and gain their true Demonic power. With the seven's demonic powers combined, they can defeat and lock the King of Hell for good.

     Lucifer, without any second thought, bit his arm off so one hand could escape from the chains. Black blood was pouring out of him, but the Ruler didn't even flinch. He took three dead bodies from the pile of dead bodies in front of him and made them drink his black blood. Lucifer quickly but quietly started chanting a Demonic Prayer. After that, the three's eyes shot open, revealing their red eyes.

     "You three, find the Demons..." Lucifer then whispered to them the mission they were destined to do. The three nodded and was slowly caught on fire, teleporting them to earth.

     Lucifer was panting heavily. He was getting weaker. He saw dozens of ghouls running towards him, so he closed his eyes and said, "I'm sorry my sons, but this is the only way. Those three will explain to you everything. Please believe us. If you believe us then you will understand everything."

     Lucifer then closed his eyes as the ghouls started grabbing him aggressively.



     The Demons and the Arcs were at a private room in a fancy restaurant in Gangnam with the three supposed demons who are said to assist the princes in killing their first humans so they could unlock their demonic powers. The news surprised them, but they had to know more before they proceed with anything.

     "Talk," Sunggyu commanded.

      The man who was still in the middle introduced himself first, "It's an honor to meet you face-to-face our Prince. The name that was given to me was Jaejoong, so please call me by that."

     The man on the right was next. "Nice to meet you our prince, I'm Yoochun."

     And lastly, the man on the left said, "And I'm Junsu."

     "You said, "the name that was given to me." What does that mean?" Hyunseung asked.

     Jaejoong looked at the prince of lust and answered his question, "We are not really Demons in hell. We actually came from Ruler Lucifer's soul. We're three pieces of him. I'm Perfectionist, Junsu is Vindication, and Yoochun is Stubbornness."

     "Jiyong, doesn't that make them your fathers?" Woohyun joked, and everyone giggled, even the Demons.

     "Want me to punch your face Nam Woohyun?" Jiyong annoyingly asked. Woohyun quickly stopped laughing when he saw Jiyong's scary aura.

     "Please, continue and don't mind these idiots," Junhyung stated, and Jaejoong surprisingly followed him.

     "Your Father placed us inside a body, so after we finish our mission, we will go back to your father. So on earth, we are normal humans."

     "What's the exact mission then?" Taeil asked, involving himself in the conversation.

     "As Lucifer instructed, "Let our sons kill the seven sinners that I have introduced to you," after that, we will return to your father and they themselves will tell you what to do." This time, it was Yoochun who explained it.

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