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SUHO? SUHO WAS THE worst. I couldn't remember much about him, but all I know is that I hated him. I wanted him dead. Just remembering his name made me sick. So, what I did was escape. I escaped, took all the money, and went to Japan where I can never see nor hear about that man ever again. 

     I have been living in Tokyo for two years now. The first few months were good since I still had money to buy food and pay for my rent. But every penny slowly faded, until I was left with nothing.

     I tried to look for a job but I end up getting fired since I keep on having fights with mostly everyone. The simple solution now is that I went back to my old self, and that was stealing. And like before, I survived this cruel world because of that skill.

     "Ravens? What a joke," I stated as I walked past the enormous headquarters of the group called Ravens. I've heard a lot about this company, and it only makes me laugh just by imagining the things that they're trying to do.

     Well, enough about them, I need to get back to work.

     I went to the busiest part of Tokyo. People here are too busy talking with their phones, doing I-don't-know what. They're too busy to be cautious about their wallets. I was doing great and was about to call it a day when something unexpected happened.

     "Please! Help us!"

     I saw a group of men burning the house of an old woman.

     I wanted to ignore it. I wanted to walk away. I thought someone was going to help her, but when I went to stick around for a few more minutes, no one did. So my super annoying self went to the scene.

     "What are you guys trying to-" I suddenly stopped when I saw the logo on their coat. They were actually men from the Ravens.

     "None of your business," the tall guy replied without even looking at me.

     "But you're burning this poor old ladies house!" I shouted as I went in front of him so he could finally look my way, but the man only pushed me away, "This poor old lady you're talking about is a Demon, so leave before we do something to you too."

     Wait, did he just fucking say she was a demon? Was he for real?!

     "Are you fucking crazy?! There are no such things as demons or angels. That's just something people made up so they could praise and worship someone," I answered, then the man finally looked like he was interested on what I was trying to say to him.

      "Then can you explain why we found her seven sons headless inside her house? They were filled with Demonic markings too. Now, tell me if she's not even a bit of a Demon," he answered, almost making my heart stop beating.

     When I heard his explanation, something suddenly triggered inside me. Like all the things my mother did to me before flashed right in front of my eyes. My body had no control, so without any warning I went to where the crime scene was.

     When I saw the woman being surrounded by some of the Raven men, I quickly pushed the men away and went straight to where the woman was. Without any hint of hesitation, I started beating her. And while I was doing so, I saw her smile, like she was accepting every punch that I was giving her, angering me even more. 

     The men in black coat were stopping me but I kept on going.

     "You fucking die you disgusting woman! You don't even deserve hell! DIE YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE! YOU'RE NOT DESERVING TO BE CALLED A MOTHER!" I shouted at her. Then I slowly stopped as a tear fell on top of her face.

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