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THE DEMONS WERE NOW back on earth, standing in front of the mirror that they entered earlier. Bringing home an experience they'll never ever forget.

     "Moral of this story...don't fucking sin," Jihoon stated as he ran off to the kitchen to drink a glass of water.

     "Let's go down and discuss everything to Park Dong Min. And give him Kharon so he could be summoned back," Sunggyu instructed and everyone followed. He went out and so did the other brothers.

     Lay stayed behind. Staring at himself deeply into the mirror, like he couldn't believe what he was seeing. He examined his hand and started holding things, but then he stopped when Suho suddenly grabbed his shoulder.

     "Lay, you okay? Still traumatized or something?" Suho asked as Lay slowly turned around to face him.

     The moment he saw him, Lay's eyes suddenly widened from shock. "Suho?! Is that really you?!" he shouted, making Suho look confused.

     "You okay Lay?" Suho asked, his voice started to sound like he was concerned.

     "O-oh yeah. I'm good...really really good. I've never been better actually!" Lay excitedly shouted like he was ready to jump around the place.

     "Well, you're creepy, and I'm hungry so let's go downstairs and have a snack. You might just be hungry too," Suho stated and proceeded to go out of the room.

     "I'll be right with ya!" Lay shouted. But before leaving the room, he looked at the mirror and said, "Lay's the name huh? Well Lay, enjoy your stay in Hell...because you're not going back any time soon."

     Then he smirked and followed everyone. They headed to the dinning room and sat on their proper seat while Park Dongmin still in his seat at the middle. Kai looked around the room, and he assumed that the only seat available was probably his seat, so he went to the empty seat and sat down. The moment he sat down, Dongmin's eyes quickly went to his direction.

     "Lay, you feeling okay?" Dongmin asked as he casually took a sip of his wine.

     "I'm fine, why?" he answered with a smile.

     Dongmin drank from his wine again and answered back, "Nothing really. You just look...different, that's all."

     "Really? Well, I do feel different," Kai answered with a smirk.

     Dongmin smirked back and whispered to himself, "Of course you do."

     Everyone looked at Kai and Dongmin; all confused about what was going on. The atmosphere suddenly felt tense so Minhyuk decided to lighten everyone up, "So, should we explain about what we saw in Hell?" Minhyuk stated and everyone agreed, well except for Jihoon. He had enough of vomiting; he didn't want to talk about hell, and even re-imagine it again.

     "No need, I know you're all tired after your journey, so eat and I'll do the talking. I just wanted to explain some things about Kharon being inside an egg," Dongmin explained.

     It was funny to think about it but no one laughed. They knew this was a serious matter to discuss.

     "So, what's the plan? When will we summon him?" Sunggyu asked, excited to see their guardian again.

     Dongmin sighed, not sure if he was ready to break the Demon's hearts. But he still continued with the explanation, "I can't summon your guardian since I'm not a high ranked Demon. I can't do anything for him. It will only make things worse if I even touch it."

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