20 - 16/02/1969, SUN

121 4 0

Dear Diary,

I'm at the hospital right now. Lillian had a severe fit and she's under observation. I'm going to stay with her till she is okay to come home.

It all happened early in the morning today, at around 2:00 AM, just like her previous episodes. She was sleeping with me... we do that sometimes. An hour or so after it's bedtime and everyone's asleep, she sneaks into my room and lays down beside me. I like having her company, she gives me comfort at night, at times when I'm the most stressed out.

Anyways, today she was completely sound asleep and she was quite well for the past couple of weeks but suddenly she stirred awake put of nowhere and almost fell off the bed. Luckily, I was unable to have a deep sleep, though she was quite loud. Lily continued to scream and yell out for help, she jittered a lot and it was terrifying. I thought that she would never recover.

Hank came over almost immediately after she shouted loud enough for the whole school to wake up. I tried to get into her mind and put her to sleep but nothing seemed to work. I was blocked out from doing anything.

Once she was calm, after Hank made sure that none of the students were getting too concerned, she looked at me with this... I can't describe it in writing. It was a look of pure dread and melancholy, mixed with fright and horror and... Lillian was helpless, hopeless and just hapless.

There's something she did, that I don't think I can forget. She held the sides of my faces in my hands and stared into my eyes with her glistening with tears and shining with misery. She leaned closer to me and said:

"D-Don't let them t-take me Ch-Ch-Charles. They'll do everything they can to g-get their way but please... s-save me."

I don't even know what to make of such a statement. Was it just her night terror talking? Maybe she saw something of the future...

I haven't the faintest clue of it, and that concerns me.

She's sleeping right now, rather peacefully, and I'm happy about that. I was extremely worried about her before but now I feel optimistic, they she'll be okay soon and we could forget that this ever happened... not that she could easily do that.

Actually now that I recall, she was complaining about a headache and some dizziness earlier on in the day. I just gave her a paracetamol, it didn't really help though.

This is all my fault. I shouldn't have ignored her complaints. I should have acted on it and helped her. I just thought that Lily was having a hard day.

I'm going to be better now. I know that I keep saying it and it seems like I don't change my attitude but I will now. Maybe she wouldn't have been in this hospital room if I paid attention.

I don't know what else to write about. It's quiet right now, I'm sitting under a small lamp at a table-for-one scribbling down all this. Even though I've been awake since he episode I can't find any sleep. I just sit here... watching her silently and hoping that somewhere, someday she doesn't have to feel any pain anymore.


𝕄𝕌𝕋𝔸𝕋𝕀𝕊 𝕄𝕌𝕋𝔸ℕ𝔻𝕀𝕊 ~ 𝘟-𝘔𝘦𝘯Where stories live. Discover now