39 - 12/09/2023, TUE

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Logan Howlett wakes up in a bedroom with a golden hue, shining through the off-white chiffon curtains covering the window. He squints his eyes, the sunlight too bright for his drowsy self. The soft sound of the radio playing behind him on the bedside table makes him turn around and eventually get out of bed.

He straightens his back, feeling his muscles ache with stiffness as if he had been asleep for weeks. Logan heads over slowly towards the closed bedroom door, wrapping his hand around the doorknob and opening the door cautiously.

He feels beyond confused, unable to comprehend what had just happened to him and if he did in fact go back in time...

As soon as he steps out of the bedroom, he hears a bell ring, something that sounds exactly from the ambiance of a school. He furrows his eyebrows slightly as he watches children walk out of the rooms lined up in the hallway and towards some other part of the building.

As Logan nears the flight of stairs leading to the floor below, he peaks into open classes that he passes by. He raises his eyebrows when he sees Iceman and Rogue standing in front of him by the last door in the corridor. They glance to him and smile, then continue on ahead while holding hands.

Logan continues forward, peeking into one of the rooms ahead, finding Shadowcat, the one who sent him back on his mission to save the future, teaching a class on a topic he was too preoccupied to comprehend.

"Morning Logan, light start!" Beast greets him with a raspy, deep voice, then chuckles to himself as he walks away. Logan looks at him in shock, while the familiarity of the place does not seem to settle into his mind.

Logan continues his disorienting journey, spotting Storm at the end of the staircase, leading some students to their next class.

"Storm..." Logan mumbles with happiness.

Logan gradually stands at the foot of the stairs, scanning the entire ground floor in his view with utter disbelief and awe.

He freezes for a moment, at the sound of a woman laughing. He turns to his left with curiosity, looking into the open doors of a study room.

"... But you do know that the whole thing isn't true," A woman comments with teasing in her tone. Logan feels a sense of familiarity... the voice is something close to home.

He approaches the open doorway, looking inside discreetly then widening his eyes in surprise. The Professor was seated at the table.

"Logan!" The Professor greets with a wide smile, "Alexander wanted to ask you a question related to the class project."

Logan furrows his eyebrows with puzzlement, "What?"

"Good morning to you too Logan," The woman, a few years younger than the Professor, turns around from leaning on the table, with a smirk on her lips. Logan gazes upon her with bewilderment. She seems familiar, but he is sure of the fact that he has never seen her before.

With her red hair resting on her shoulders, she's wearing a black skirt and heels, and a turtle-neck sweater for a top. She walks over to him, a smile on her face continuously.

"Your students were telling the Professor here that you are an incredible teacher," She comments, feeling impressed, "Well done, Mr Howlett." She stands in front of Logan with her arms crossed while he watches her out of admiration.

"Hey... you okay?" She questions, "Is there something on my face?" Logan examines her face, trying to itch an answer in his mind of who she is and why he thinks he knows her.

She raises an eyebrow and chuckles softly, "Anyways, I'll catch you boys later. Hank wanted some help with some experiment."

The woman turns back to the Professor and gives him a flying kiss. "Remember, six o'clock tonight," She teases then looks back to Logan. She leans in and kisses him on the cheek out of friendship, then exits the room.

He turns to the professor with the utmost confusion, coupled with the inability to form a logical string of dialogue.

"Logan, don't you have a class to teach right now?" The Professor asks, moving towards Logan with a book in his hands.

"A class... to teach?"

"Yes, history."

Logan chuckles, "History? Actually, I could use some help with that."

"With what?" The Professor comes to a halt, genuine confusion on his face.

"With pretty much everything after 1973," Logan responds, "I think the history I know is very different."

The Professor looks to him with realization, raising his eyebrows and showing a glimmer of hope. "Welcome back," He reacts and Logan smiles.

"It's good to see you Charles. It's good to see everyone."

"Well... I had a promise to keep," The Professor says with a smile, "You and I have a lot of catching up to do. What's the last thing you remember?"

The thrill of it all on Logan's face beings to fade away at the horrific events he had to live through not so long ago.

He gulps, "Drowning."

"You were saved from-"

Logan steps forward and shuts his eyes momentarily, gesturing behind him. "I'm sorry Professor, but... who was that woman?" He asks and the Professor smiles.

"Logan... That's Lillian," He responds, leaving Logan completely dumbfounded.

"What?! But I-"

The Professor came closer to Logan, taking a deep breath before saying, "Logan, you... saved her. You brought her back to life because you fixed the events in 1973. You weren't around when she... died in 1979, in May."

He moves forward once more and looks up to Logan, "Thank you Logan... for bringing Lillian back to me. My life is so much better than before, she helps so much with everything around here."

Logan smiles, opening his mouth to say something to the Professor but the Professor continues on speaking

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Logan smiles, opening his mouth to say something to the Professor but the Professor continues on speaking.

"You've saved the world, the mutants... and me," He thanks, "I can never repay you enough."

"Please, Professor, you don't ever have to repay me."

The Professor smiles then heads for the study door, "Come along now. Let's go into the garden and have a talk. I have a lot of stories to tell you since 1973."

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