13 - 27/12/1968, FRI

189 8 0

He sighs as she storms off with frustration farther along the concrete miniature wall going around the campus, crossing her arms and rubbing her forehead with her hand. He watches her with sadness, devastated at how hard she's trying with little success in sight.

They are standing at the back of the school, working on her powers but she is not having such a great day. It seems as though all the festivities and eggnog sort of drowned her sense of determination away, returning back to realising that her powers are nothing but punishment for something she has no idea of.

Lillian tries her level-best to concentrate and make Charles proud, and she has reached somewhere further with her powers. She has reached a sense of control over them and it makes her pleased.

Looking back at the Professor staring out into the field, she takes a deep breath then walks back to him to try again. "Okay just relax and think clearly," She whispers to herself, in attempt to boost her confidence.

"Are you sure you want to keep going?" Professor Xavier questions and she nods her head quickly.

"I've got nothing else to do, I can at least try to do something right for once with this 'gift'," She responds bitterly, making Charles frown for a brief moment.

Lillian shuts her eyes slowly after leaning on the small concrete wall and is about to cross her arms when she is hit with waves of insight, making her gasp.

"Lillian what's-"

She cries in agony, breathing heavily as images of herself trapped in a claustrophobic white testing room with heavy-duty medical equipment and electrodes attached to her body.

She almost collapses onto the ground but she balances herself by grabbing the wall behind her. Lillian's eyes shoot open, glaring through Charles like he is invisible.


Lillian stays still all of a sudden and heaves, rubbing her eyes then sitting on the ground and leaning her head back on the wall. The Professor wheels his chair closer to her and fidgets with his hands.

"Wh-What did you see Lily?" He asks with hesitance, making her look up to him with alarm. She starts to stutter, unable to form a proper reply.

"We should... that's enough for today Lillian. Let's go inside now," Charles instructs then puts out his hand for Lillian to help her pull herself up.

She shakes off the eerie feeling in her mind then walks beside the Professor. She tells herself that she will try again... even though Charles doesn't want her to.


11:08 PM

Lillian wraps a light brown cardigan around her upper body and wears her slippers before get out of bed. She had taken care that the entire school was silent, that everyone was asleep. Ten o'clock is the curfew, while an hour earlier during school days, especially if you are a junior. Regardless of the rules, people have become accustomed to it and they find it more rejuvenating for themselves. No one argues with Professor Xavier's rules.

She walks down the dimly lit hallway and takes a turn to the left after reaching the end, walking towards the Professor's room's door. She stops suddenly, staring at a tightly shut door and regretting her every choice to do this.

Lillian shrugs off the feeling of doubt in her mind before wrapping her palm around the door handle and pushing it open. She flinched when the CLICK! sound is louder than she would hope for.

𝕄𝕌𝕋𝔸𝕋𝕀𝕊 𝕄𝕌𝕋𝔸ℕ𝔻𝕀𝕊 ~ 𝘟-𝘔𝘦𝘯Where stories live. Discover now