01 - 03/11/1968, SUN

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He moves the joystick of his wheelchair forward a little, peaking into every room he passes on his way to the kitchen. He is thirsty for a drink of some iced lemon tea right now, he spoke a lot in during his booster class for the students that are sort of lagging behind.

"Good afternoon Professor!" Samantha, the mutant with the ability to breathe under water eternally, greets her favourite tutor happily. The Professor smiles back at her, reminding her that she needs to hand in her overdue paper about molecular bonds soon.

"Jason!" The Professor grins widely, stopping at the bedroom door, "How are you today young man?" The fourteen year old,with powers that can liquify any solids, shrugs his shoulders and frowns.

The Professor frowns along with him and asks, "Why the long face?"

"I just... I don't have that many friends here. Can't I just go home?" He questions,making the Professor smile with sympathy.

"You could do that, or you could learn and become a brilliant professor like me one day," He chuckles, "Jason we are lucky to have you here. Your powers are phenomenal and with the right training you could be a worthy fighter if you wanted to."

"You think so?"

"Of course! Why would I say it then?" The Professor winks at the boy and leans closer to him in his seat., "And I don't say this to everyone, mind you."

The Professor wheels his chair closer towards his room, smiling at the prospect that he could relax and enjoy the rest of the day without any-

His wheelchair stops all of a sudden, with a jerk. Normally, he would have been alarmed but is the Professor a normal individual? No... No he isn't.

"Jenna, you're back!" He turns his chair around and the twelve year old hugs him. That gesture was something that surprised him.

"Hi Professor Xavier! Where are you going?" She asks with furrowed eyebrows, making the Professor chuckle.

"It's the weekend sweetheart, no classes today. I'm heading to my study," He explains, "How was your camping trip? Tell me all about it!"

She smiles brightly, "Well my dad took us to a lake and I showed him what I can do. He was so surprised and my mother started asking me to do things with it! I could tell that my brother was jealous."

Charles laughs wholeheartedly, "And you kept your powers in control? You didn't make the birds attack your brother correct?"

She shakes her head and he smiles. "Good work! I'm happy you're back Jenna, ask your friends about what you missed in class. Remember I'm always here to help, just knock on my room," He says and opens his arms for another hug, which the girl accepts happily.

The Professor watches her run off, a friend of hers grabbing her arm and taking her to the game room.

He loves the weekends. Though his students are still on the campus, and he adores them like they all were his own children even when he is not teaching them, he doesn't say no to time all by himself.

This year, he feels rather pleased. Usually he's quite nervous when new batches of students join in. He becomes so close to his past students who then leave after they successfully know the ins and outs of their gifts. But this year... He's happy to get right into his job of helping one understand that what they have is a gift rather than a curse.

𝕄𝕌𝕋𝔸𝕋𝕀𝕊 𝕄𝕌𝕋𝔸ℕ𝔻𝕀𝕊 ~ 𝘟-𝘔𝘦𝘯Where stories live. Discover now