36 - 16/08/1971, MON

94 4 0

Dear diary,

It has been quite a while since I have looked through this book. Things got out of hand very quickly. I'd probably bore whoever is reading this with the details but... Lillian had actually got kidnapped by this secret government organisation that was using mutants without their permission as weapons for the country. As patriotic as it sounds, it was bloody terrible! They experimented on us daily; I've lost months of time where I could have been at home teaching my students or working for the betterment of the mutant community but they stripped it away from me, Hank and Lillian.

She's better now, thankfully but lord she can be too much sometimes. She's the one who's actually put me up to writing in this again, even though I see no point to it. Honestly, I'm wasting my time but she's sitting in the same room and I need to at least pretend that I care about this particular suggestion of her.

She means so much to me. Lily has changed my life in ways that I thought no one could but... I just wish she would leave me alone.

Yes, I'm wallowing in sorrow. My entire school has gone to dust, there's no one around. What am I supposed to do?!

I went to save the love of my life, and my best friend Hank and in return I come back to an empty school in Westchester, lacking students who have been whisked away to fight in the Vietnam war.

Why does all this have to happen to me?

And to top it all off, in other news, my lost 'brother' Erik has finally been held down in a secure facility! If only written words in a book could channel the level of sarcasm and frustration I have in me these few days. 

He has the audacity to continuously escape from prisons he has been put in for HIS OWN crimes, that he chooses with HIS OWN free will. He acts out like a child and nothing seems to get through to him!

The prison has been designed by Trask Industries and it's located in the Pentagon, about 1300 ft below the surface of the Earth. It's properties of build comprise of industrial-grade polymers and concrete, with not a glimmer of metal in sight. The guns guards have are made of plastic!

Suits him right, as bitter as I may sound. It's just... I admire Erik, I care about him but he's led himself astray down a path that leads only to his demise. I can't sit around watching his inevitable end. It aches too much.

We had a connection at the start. We were out to help each other and help mutants around us. Mutants didn't deserve to live underground. We are not 'freaks of nature', we have gifts that have been rewarded to us. Talent and natural ability isn't something that should be buried deep until we forget about our own capabilities.

The world is a terrifying place, injustice thrives and compassion falls.

But I'm determined to help with whatever way I can... and I'm sure others around me feel exactly the same way.

Lily is calling me for dinner, I best be on my way then.


𝕄𝕌𝕋𝔸𝕋𝕀𝕊 𝕄𝕌𝕋𝔸ℕ𝔻𝕀𝕊 ~ 𝘟-𝘔𝘦𝘯Where stories live. Discover now