23 - 27/03/1969, THU

99 5 0

Lillian grabs a small pile of her clothes and dumps it into the suitcase, pressing it down so she can throw more clothes on top. She is not finding any of this entertaining at all.

Cerebro had been a thrill for Lillian to witness and learn about. At first she was feeling a little unsettled because of the slightly creepy technological advances the machine can achieve but Charles showed her everything about it. She wished that she could try it too.

Although the tour had finished, Charles kept the thought of her trying it out in his mind. He'd ask Hank about it, perhaps because Lillian has a mental power she could visually see her premonitions.

This of course would be saved for another day. Right now, she is getting ready to leave for the summit meeting after a couple of hours.


The Professor looks inside the bedroom then wheels inside, smiling softly as he watches Lillian packing her bag in a rather frustrated way.

"Now is that the right way to keep your clothes? You won't be able to fit the rest-"

"I know what I'm doing Charles, leave me alone," Lilian replies flatly, making him frown.

"Lily I'm just-"

"Look I know everything I'm supposed to do and say. You're practically following around like a lost puppy for the past four days so just STOP!" Lillian yells and Charles looks to her with disbelief. She sighs with guilt, "Charlie I'm sorry-"

"No it's alright. I completely understand, I was at fault," Charles moves his wheelchair joystick to turn his chair around, "Holler if you need me for anything Lillian."

"Charles, honey-"

"By the way, I've arranged a cab to come here at 2 PM," He continues speaking and Lillian grabs the back of his wheelchair, pulling it in a swift motion, "I would actually like to-"

Lillian bends forward and gives him a rough kiss. "Charles, my anxiety is no excuse to treat you like crap. You're doing all this for my own good and I haven't treated you that way at all," Lillian expresses then smiles sadly, "I love you and I have no right to treat a man of such high stature like he is a nobody to me."

"I-I'm always here for you Lily, alright?" He explains with empathy, "You can call me whenever you want, even if you don't have any reason to. I want to hear about everything."


"Every single thing."

She smiles slightly, unable to really feel anything but despair for leaving a place she calls home and go somewhere she has never imagined being.

"And I will always be with you. Anything you need just say my name as loudly as you can in your mind and I'll answer," Charles says and smiles, making her chuckle a little.


2 hours later...

"All ready?" The Professor asks while faking the optimism on his face. He wasn't feeling the pain of Lillian leaving his side before, it has finally hit him that she will actually be gone for months on end and he won't be able to see her physically in front of him.

"So this is it Char-"

"Please, you're making it sound like you're going for good," The Professor says and Lillian crosses her arms.

"I might as well do that. It'll feel like I've gone for that long," She states bitterly, making Charles rolls his eyes.

"Come on Lillian-"

"I'm joking Charles!" Lillian inserted into the conversation then bend down to kiss him on the cheek, "I'm... I'll miss you." Her eyes start to tear up, making Charles hold her hand tightly.

"P-Please don't cry Lily, you're going to make me cry t-too," He expresses then wipes the tear drop rolling down her cheek with his thumb.

She sniffs her nose the  stands up straight, "I love you Ch-Charles."

"I-I love you t-too, sweetheart."

Charles leads you to the main door, while Hank opens it slowly. "Well Hank, take care of our Professor while I'm gone," Lillian walks over to him and gives him a cosy hug.

Hank laughs and rubs her back, "Will surely do! Bring us back a souvenir."

"From the summit meeting? Of course!" She chuckles then looks to Charles again, sucking in a sharp breath. Lillian holds onto her luggage tightly then climbs down the stairs to the pathway.

She looks back one left time after loading her things in the cab, waving at Charles and Hank, and the many students looking out of the windows.

She sits in the back seat, leaning her head in the window after informing the driver to take her to the airport. Lillian turns back one last time to watch the Professor in the same spot observing her grow further away from him as every second passes.

As the car drives out of the School For Gifted Youngsters lot, Lillian wishes a farewell to her home for the next few months, before she returns.

𝕄𝕌𝕋𝔸𝕋𝕀𝕊 𝕄𝕌𝕋𝔸ℕ𝔻𝕀𝕊 ~ 𝘟-𝘔𝘦𝘯Where stories live. Discover now