15 - 31/12/1968, TUE

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"Alright m-my turn L-Lily," Charles chuckles and raises an eyebrow while thinking of something to ask her, "Shoplifting?"

"I think you've had too much to drink Professor," She laughs and slides the shot glass away from his reach. Though he catches her hand and stops her a moment later.

"N-No Lily I'm perfectly... f-fine," He insists and Lillian shakes her head.

"Okay Charles, and yes I've stolen something," She answers and he laughs.

"Ha! Drink up sweetheart!" He cheers and Lillian takes the shot in her hand,clenching her jaw at the strong taste. Four shots later she still hasn't got used to its kick.

She glances around the moderately busy bar for any sign of Hank, who had disappeared after claiming to get a few beers for the group.

"Where's Ha-"

"N-Now you're supposed to ask me," Charles smirks and licks his lip, completely drunk but constantly denying it.

Lillian smiles softly and laughs at the Professor's behaviour. She thought she would never see him like this in her life. "Clothing malfunction?" She questions and Charles tilts his head to the side and squints his eyes.


"You know... pants ripped or you wore someone else's underwear," She clarifies and he rolls his eyes.

"Come on L-Lily, that's not fun! It's h-humiliating really," He complains, making Lillian rub her face.

"Then what do you want me to ask?"

"Something f-fun!"

She rests her chin on her palm and watches Charles in surprise and awe. "Fine," She says, "Romantic dreams?"

"Like n-night dreams?" He asks and Lillian nods her head, making him smile smugly, "So so so many Lillian." Charles winks at her and drinks the shot in his hand. She stares at him with shock, curious to know if the wink was something conscious or the alcohol talking.

"Well... what are you waiting for? Drink up," He says and Lillian shakes her head.

"I've never had a dream like that."

Charles laughs out loud all of a sudden, making her furrow her eyebrows. "What? I don't b-believe that!" He comments and Lillian clenches her jaw.

"I've never had a crush, I've never loved anyone real or famous ALRIGHT?" She snaps at him with slight anger, making Charles frown.

"S-Sorry love," He mumbles and looks to his hands, ashamed. Lillian places her hand on his and moves closer to him, "Hey it's okay Charles, I just... I was on my own so long that I focused on surviving rather than other things. It's your turn now."

He slides his drink glass away from him and stares at the table. "I don't want to play any more, if you don't mind," He requests flatly and silence falls over them. While everyone around them are having a great time out and chattering, Lillian and Charles stay quiet and still.

The two of them, including Hank had decided to go out for New Year's Eve and have some quality time to get to know each other better. Since Lillian has a good hold on her powers, Charles thought it would be a good opportunity to enjoy each other's company for once rather than focus on doing work.

But all of a sudden, amidst the awkwardness between them, Charles misses his study room and his books.

"You know I've always wanted to have the company of someone whom I could take as more of a friend than a student or colleague," Charles explains, a sudden wave of soberness taking over his tone, "I find a friend in you Lillian."

She smiles and runs a hand through her hair shyly. "Charles... Have you ever l-loved someone?" She asks, unable to understand why she just said it.

"Um, well..." He stutters, the question catching him off-guard, "I did once but someone who I thought was my friend took her away from me."

"Charles I..."

"And I haven't seen her ever since. Her name was... is Raven," He continues and Lillian touches his hand to comfort his sadness.

"I'm sorry Char-"

She sucks in a sharp breath, her vision filling with a vivid peak into the future without her triggering her powers. She watches a rather heated and intimate moment between them... in the dark, up against each other.

She shakes her head and blinks her eyes a few times to stop her powers, then bites her lip for a moment. "Lily is something the matter?" Charles asks and before she can reply, she plants her lips onto his for a brief kiss.

She pulls away with shame and regret, "Charles I-I-I'm sorry-"

"A-Are you in love with me Lillian?" He questions and moves his wheel chair closer to her seat.

"I just-I didn't know what came over me-"

Charles holds her hand then kisses Lillian passionately, slithering his other hand around her waist and bringing her closer to him. She's surprised at first but she kisses him back with lust flowing through her veins. She tries hard to suppress the moan rising in her throat.

She starts to back away but then Charles grips hee hand tightly. "Wait, don't pull away... not yet," He mutters and she moves closer to him again.

Lillian starts stroking his dark brown locks of hair then caressing his cheek. Charles, even though he would break his promise, uses his powers to looking into Lillian's mind.

I need to know the truth, He thinks.

The words 'finally' and 'Charles' echo through her mind, with him receiving a mixture of emotional signals: desire, excitement, anxiety and fear

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The words 'finally' and 'Charles' echo through her mind, with him receiving a mixture of emotional signals: desire, excitement, anxiety and fear.

Charles moves away and leans towards her ear, "I love you Lily, tell me you love me too."

She looks at him with her heart racing then she steadies her voice. "I-I love you Charles," She says in a whispered rush.

"FIVE... FOUR... THREE... TWO... ONE!"

A chorus of applause break out throughout the entire bar as people hug and drink while the TV screens showed fireworks across the country, and the world, and New Year reports.

"Drinks for everyone on me! HAPPY NEW YEAR!" A guy announces loudly and everyone claps happily.

Charles and Lillian cheer too then he holds her hands softly, kissing her cheeks. "Happy new year Lily," He smirks and plants his lips on hers once again.

Hank watches then from the distance while sitting on between a couple who just moved into town a few weeks ago. He smiles softly, seeing the Professor express his emotions once again makes him happy.

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