34.c - 01/11/1969, SAT

70 4 0

"Keep going! It should be up ahead!" Hank exclaims from behind Charles, as they both run forward as quickly as their legs would carry them. Lillian rests, unconscious, over Hank's left shoulder.

Charles glances behind him, making sure that no guards were chasing them. They have faced ten up till now on their pursuit to the main control room. Along the deserted, sinister hallways, Charles found a shotgun on the ground next to a dead scientist, with eight bullets loaded. Hank holds onto the crowbar for safekeeping.

"There!" Charles stops suddenly, causing Hank to almost crash into him, "The room."

They approach the secured room cautiously, not wanting to grab any unnecessary attention.


Charles jumped in fright, turning around swiftly and spotting three security guards with submachine guns gripped in their hands. He aimed the shotgun barrel at the guard in the middle who ran towards them, scoring a headshot, then steadying himself as he dodges the other guards' shots simultaneously.

"Get the door open HANK!" Charles shouts frantically and Hank clenches his jaw.

"I'm working on it!" He replies, ripping the biometric security scanner to unlock the doors out of being bolted to the wall. The wires spark as they are ripped apart. Hank expected the door to open automatically but nothing occurred.

He roared then clenched his hands into fists, punching the life out of the door and persisting to cause more than just dents in the large slab of metal.

Charles, occupied in defending himself and his friends, comes head to head with death. He continues to aim and shoot, his aim getting better with every-


Charles pulls the trigger repeatedly, but no bullets shoot out. He groans loudly then throws the gun at one of the guards, hitting him in his shins. It buys them some time to get the door open. "HANK, door please!" Charles repeats loudly and Hank growls in response.

The guards run closer, making it harder for Charles to dodge the shots and protect Lillian at the same time. "Come on Hank-"


Charles glances back and lowers himself just in time to watch the metallic door fling across the hallway and crash into the two guards, throwing them back and knocking them out for good. Charles raises his eyebrows and breathes heavily, his heart thumping out of fright.

He scurries into the security room and Hank carries Lillian inside, placing her in a spot where attackers wouldn't be able to shoot her. She is still unconscious, which concerns Charles slightly.

But he has other things on his mind at the moment.

The control room is decently large. It can easily house five people, each having a good amount of space to themselves. The room is surrounded by screens, a few large but many smaller in size, all showing a variety of numbers, signs and titles. Charles spots screens displaying vitals of test subjects, ventilation and security of the entire facility and the main screen that displayed the entire map of the building with each room labelled.

Hank examines the various coloured buttons of different sizes and shapes. It's a preschoolers dream place to be but under the red light and the thrill of being shot at any moment, it's more of a nightmare.

𝕄𝕌𝕋𝔸𝕋𝕀𝕊 𝕄𝕌𝕋𝔸ℕ𝔻𝕀𝕊 ~ 𝘟-𝘔𝘦𝘯Where stories live. Discover now