18 - 20/01/1969, MON

134 6 0

He's the head professor of the school, this school is his creation. Of course he's busy, She thinks to herself repeatedly as she puts on her dark denim jacket.

She grabs her backpack and stops by the kitchen to place some nuts, chocolate cookies and two bottles of water inside. She slings it over her shoulders then glances down the hallway.

The whole building is completely quiet, it's peaceful. Lillian has grown to prefer the serenity that this school has within it like a feature. She starts to walk towards the main door then after taking a deep breath, she steps outside and absorbs the nature outside. It's just as serene as indoors, but less claustrophobic.

She walks on the brick pathway, gazing at the trees swaying briefly in the wind and the birds pecking on the lush green blankets of grass for something to eat. Lillian thinks for a moment that she should have brought some seeds with her.

She begins her expedition into exploring the outdoors by taking a round circling the School building and seeing if she can find anything new and maybe peculiar. She sings 'What A Wonderful World' by Louis Armstrong, mumbling the lyrics as she picks up a stray flower from the ground and puts it in her hair.

"I'll give it to Charles, he'll look pretty," She chuckles then grins, continuing to whistle the remainder of the song. She then frowns, the thought of Charles making her feel lonely.

He has been extremely tied up with his workload and hasn't really talked to anyone unless necessary, and apparently Lillian isn't that necessary. Instead of being on his tale for isolating her and sounding 'needy', she had already made that point clear in class that day, she had decided to take a stroll outside all by herself today... and here she is now.

She understands that he has a life, He has commitments and tasks to complete unlike her. It's a miracle that he stumbled upon finding her. Lillian would have still been in her outdoor 'home' while living off leftover food from restaurants most of the time, and trading herself to a decent meal after she gets paid for picking up trash from a baseball stadium near-

Lillian stops all of a sudden, looking around and tilting her head with confusion. She realises that she let her thoughts make her walk too far from the School building, out of the gates. She's standing to the side of a road that stretches out for miles ahead, desolate and looking for a purpose to serve. She was completely lost in her thoughts to notice where she was going.


"Hey have you seen Lillian?" The Profesaoe asks each student he passes by while moving towards his study. He starts to frown, unable to figure out why she would suddenly disappear.

Charles stops by the stairs and rubs his face with a hand in exasperation. He straightens himself then shuts his eyes, concentrating his power on finding Lillian out in the world.

Scanning through every him an presence he can get a signal from, he abruptly opens his eyes and sighs. Charles stares at the floor with dismay, wondering if he had done anything to anger Lillian.

"Where are you Lily?" He mumbles to himself then taps the armrests of his wheel chair while being deep in thought. He reaches for the mobility joystick and steers his chair towards one of the laboratory in the first sub-basement.

Once there he finds Hank working on reparing a large metallic device connected to the main computer. "Hello Hank," Charles greets his friend with a smile, "I hope I'm not interfering."

"No, never Professor. How are you doing?" Hank smiles back then cleans his hands with a cloth and switches off the machine he was working on.

𝕄𝕌𝕋𝔸𝕋𝕀𝕊 𝕄𝕌𝕋𝔸ℕ𝔻𝕀𝕊 ~ 𝘟-𝘔𝘦𝘯Where stories live. Discover now