05 - 19/11/1968, TUE

520 11 1

The Professor just can't go another day without reaching outside and looking for clues. He's never felt this motivated and driven, he feels a positive vibe that he'll find the answer today.

Hank had protested immensely but the Professor requested from his students that their schedules be temporarily rearranged so that he can have time for investigation.

The Professor smiles to himself, while pushing the wheels of his seat, as he remembers a few words Hank had used in his defence against the Professor taking a day of leave.

"This is all just a figment of the adventurous aspect of your personality Professor! All of it doesn't mean anything and I know deep down you agree," He retaliated, "You're just... being distracted!"

"Hank, I'm perfectly alright and if I'm in danger I'll give you a mental ring," He winked at him and Hank rolled his eyes then sighed.

The Professor picks out the list of names from his jacket pocket and points to the first one: Lorraine Grayson. He had located this woman to be a shop clerk at a supermarket.

Upon asking colleagues about her, he finds out that she had urgently left the state and went home to Texas a couple weeks ago. The Professor takes a deep breath and crosses the name off the list.

He then turns ahead and aims to reach closer to the urban life, away from the School for Gifted Youngsters.

The next individual on his list is a female named 'Loretta Garcia', a five minute way from where he is right now. He had sorted them by order of nearest to farthest when he was still in his study, aiming to once and for all get this all done with.

Almost ten minutes later, a delay caused by him taking the wrong turn, he reaches a small two-floored cottage kind of house that has 'cosy' written all over it. He wheels his chair up along on the cobblestone path, ebing extremely cautious then sighs when he realises he needs to step up to reach the porch and door.

Just before the Professor gets the chance to shout out to the residents inside, he hears two children playing on lawn on the left side of the house.

"LORRY, come on!" A young boy yells with a wide smile, while rubbing through the garden sprinklers as they spray water from one end to the other. The Professor smiles softly, he enjoys the presence of children. He spots a girl, quite young compared to who he's searching for. This girl has brown hair and is probably around five, no where near the ginger haired girl about his age.

The Professor turns around and sighs, then crosses of 'Loretta Garcia' of his list. He went to quite a length to get her name, first finding the father and mother's names then discovering that their child had a name starting with 'L'.


"Hello? Excuse me, do you need something?"

He turns around with surprise, widening his eyes then smiling softly and shaking his head. "What? Oh sorry, I um... got my friend's address mistaken," He lies, "Sorry to bother you."

"That's alright, I hope you find the right house!" The lady, probably Mrs. Garcia, says and the Professor nods his head. He heads down to the main road outside the house gate and starts to wheel towards the next block not too far away which housed a girl called 'Lydia George'.

𝕄𝕌𝕋𝔸𝕋𝕀𝕊 𝕄𝕌𝕋𝔸ℕ𝔻𝕀𝕊 ~ 𝘟-𝘔𝘦𝘯Where stories live. Discover now