37 - 28/04/1972, FRI

97 4 0

This is complete bullshit!

I'm putting this out in ink, for the record that Charles has COMPLETELY lost his mind.

Okay, so 'Mr. Professor' if you read this in the future, just know that even though you have superpowers, you're a freaking human like the rest of us!

Look I get that you're in pain BUT that doesn't mean you treat everyone else like shit! Especially me Charles... ESPECIALLY ME. I've done so much for you. I've been taking care of you for all this time.

You're at your weakest now and I've had your back for everything!

And Hank?! How DARE you treat him like that? You constantly shout at him and object anything he does for you. I know you're probably thinking that this can definitely not be you BUT IT IS AND EVEN I CAN'T BELIEVE IT.

And don't get me started on what you did to me Charles... you crossed the line. You should be lucky that I know that you're sick and I don't leave the house, and leave you to drown in your sorrow.

You threw a bottle at me Charles. YES, you. You threw one of those beer bottles that you consuming these days in replacement of food. What did I do to DESERVE that treatment?! Nothing. I was just giving you some meds for the headache you were having, and asking how you were feeling.

Be happy that I can see the future. I dodge it and it shattered beside me.

Okay yes, I did point out that you've completely lost your mind BUT that does not give you or anyone the right to attack the person in front of them.

I get that the medication Hank has given you for the continuous colossal headache you have ever since you've come back from the whole Ennis incident was helpful and it brought you back to your normal self. Hell, you can walk now which is great, I'm so happy for you but you're just addicted Charles! As much as you deny the fact, you can't live without the feeling of serenity.

You're burying your powers Charles, the one thing that makes you special and makes you who you are! You always told me to never let being different be the determinant of being treated differently.

Your whole outburst of aggression started because lately the medication hasn't been working as it does and Hank needs time to adjust its components or something. You've kind of grown 'immune' to it's function. You're restless day and night, you're cranky and irritating and just... I feel sad whenever I see you and... When you threw that bottle, more than anger I felt pity for you.

No one has any idea what's going on with you on the inside, and no one ever will but... You can't take that anger out on me Charles. That's all I'm saying.

Anyways, you're back in a wheel chair nowadays and of course after starting to walk again you're sulking most of the time. You depend on me mostly to help you out and I never complained once. It's been two years since everything that happened and I have never complained once Charles.

THIS, now, is the first time I'm complaining. I honestly can;t take it anymore Charles, just save me from my tears. I hope you get better soon.

You were hesitant to take the medication at first but then we got closer... very close and intimate but then we started fighting a lot. We still fight, I'm literally laughing at it right now.

So there's that. I've given you an unbiased view of the situation and now you can reflect and mope about your actions or then make sure you never treat me or anyone else like this again.

I love you Charles but... just remember that.

Your Lily.

𝕄𝕌𝕋𝔸𝕋𝕀𝕊 𝕄𝕌𝕋𝔸ℕ𝔻𝕀𝕊 ~ 𝘟-𝘔𝘦𝘯Where stories live. Discover now