14 - 28/12/1968, SAT

167 7 0

He had just yelled at her, making her conscious on the outside but feeling the blood boil inside her with anger. She backs away from him then clenches her fists.


"Don't 'Lily' me, CHARLES!" She exclaims, "I'm trying to work this out and y-you... You're stopping me? WHY?!"

"I told you already Lillian, I'm NOT repeating myself!" He shouts at her and reaches for the wheelchair's steering joystick to move away from her, down the hallway. But Lillian grabs the arm rests and bends down, stopping him from fleeing.

"Isn't it why you brought me here, so that I can do something with my powers?!" She questions, "Or was it so you could fill up a vacant student seat in classrooms, Charles?"

"I'm do what I do to protect you-"

"PROTECT ME?! What-"

"You're no good if you're dead Lillian! If you exert yourself you're going to kill yourself, and it would be on me!" He responds with a thundering voice, "It would be my fault because being your teacher, and your friend, I didn't... I didn't stop you."

The Professor attempts to move away from her but Lillian's hold on the wheelchair is strong. She crouches down on her knees in a frog-like position and looks deeply into the Professor's eyes.

"Don't you have trust in me... have confidence in me?" She asks sadly, "I-I won't harm myself Charles. I feel pain most of the time when I'm using my powers but if I didn't feel like I was progressing, I wouldn't continue."

He sighs and looks to the floor, feeling reluctant about letting her step into a dangerous zone. "Please Charles, give me a chance," She pleads with a small smile on her lips. He places his hand on top of hers and squeezes it slightly, giving her a sad smile.

Lillian lets go of his chair and he uses his joystick to steer away from her. She stands there alone, watching him disappear into a room with his head hung low.


"Here, I got you some leftover avocado smoothie," Hank informs and places a tall transparent glass filled with a thick green drink. Lillian smiles and thanks him, then takes a sip of the refreshment.

"So... not all good huh?" He reiterates and she frowns while shaking her head. "I'm sorry Hank, it is what I see. I can't influence your future with my powers," She explains and he smiles softly.

"Hey it's alright, at least I'm a good person and that I make an effort to do the right thing, yeah," He responds and the two remain in a lengthened and uncomfortable silence.

"Hank I just-"


The two members sitting in the lounge turn to look at the door, finding the Professor waiting by it. "Hi Professor, come on in," Hank says and gets up from his seat.

"How is it going Lillian?" He asks and she nods her head.


"Lillian told me about some stuff, she didn't find it difficult to use her powers," Hank explains and the Professor smiles softly.

"That's great Lillian."

Hank heads for the door and turns back to ask if the Professor would like anything to drink. He shakes his head and thanks Hank for his generosity.

𝕄𝕌𝕋𝔸𝕋𝕀𝕊 𝕄𝕌𝕋𝔸ℕ𝔻𝕀𝕊 ~ 𝘟-𝘔𝘦𝘯Where stories live. Discover now