38 - 24/01/1973, WED

116 3 0

Lillian stares at him with her arms crossed. Charles has not been listening to her once again and it's getting on her nerves. She rolls her eyes then walks towards the bedroom door. "Think about it, otherwise I'll make the decision for you," She tells him then leaves the room.

They were arguing about therapy for the Professor. Lillian keeps telling him that it would be good for his well being and it would distract him from whatever he's drowning himself in nowadays but the Professor is being as stubborn as he can get. On regular occasions he refuses getting any help from Lillian or Hank so he would never accept getting help from third parties.

Lillian walks downstairs and immediately heads for the kitchen. She is in desperate need of a drink to calm her nerves and frustration. She opens the refrigerator and takes out a a bottle of tequila, pouring herself a small serving in a glass on the counter. She does not usually drink but on rare occasions it aids with changing her state of mind when she really wants to.

She is straight-up pissed at Charles. At times he can be extremely selfish and picks decisions based around the betterment of himself alone. Sometimes in life you need to make sacrifices but he... he doesn't seem to get that.


She looks up ahead to the kitchen entrance upon hearing a distant knock on the main door of the building. She thinks of answering it but she assumes that Hank would get it. She is in no mood to confront strangers and converse.

As the sounds of Hank talking subtly drown away, she busies herself in her reflective thoughts. Ever since the students at the School For Gifted Youngsters were drafted for the war in Vietnam, things have definitely not been the same. At the start, Lillian was optimistic. She knew that Charles was strong-willed and determined. She didn't realise that his health would deteriorate so fast.

They are barely affectionate towards each other. Lillian's like his helper around the house. She doesn't even sleep with him most of the time.

She's tired and drained of any optimism she once had... it seems like an eternity-

Lillian furrows her eyebrows at the sound of a strange man stomping his feet in the main hall. She exits the kitchen after finishing her drink then walks cautiously down the corridor towards the sounds.

"HEY!" Hank yells, "I said the school's closed. You need to leave."

Lillian watches as the strange man in a brown leather jacket and dark blue jeans, and a rather fascinating hairstyle, continues to walk ahead. "Not until I see the Professor," He responds.

Hank places a hand on his shoulder, tugging on him to turn him around quickly, "There's no Professor here. I told you that!"

"Look kid... You and I are going to be good friends," The stranger smiles then punches hank in the face. Lillian gasps as he witnesses Hank fall back. She advances towards Hank to help him but then stops abruptly, staying hidden, when she sees that he is morphing into Beast.

"Professor?!" The man calls out, his husky voice echoing, then jogs up the stairs and turns to the left.

As Hank chases after him, Lillian steps out of the shadows and glances around the main hall. She can't decide on what to do. Hank is most likely about to fight this person and it would upset Charles... she dreads that.

She hears shouting, something that startles her and she hastens into the study room across the hall. She hides behind the door frame, peeking out to see what is going on.


She flinches, glancing out of the room to find that the stranger had been flung across onto the stairs on the right side. Hank approached him swiftly, picking him up and throwing him across the room to a table in the middle. Hank growls and hangs upside from a chandelier right above, claws stretched out to the man's face-

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