16 - 09/01/1969, THU

140 5 0

School had started once again on the 5th of January, with students flooding back to the school a day before to prepare for another semester of learning. Lillian had mixed feelings about it. She just started to have the opportunity of loving someone, only to have the whole place be populated with so many other people a few days later. She wanted, and still wants, time alone with Charles mainly because she still doesn't know a heavy load about him.

Lillian could still spend close time with him whenever he's free but neither of them want others to see them excessively together. For all the others at the school, Lillian is still a student and the whole 'professor being attracted to his student' deal could go horribly wrong in the minds of other people. He's not ashamed of being with her, she has never only been a student to him. Lillian has always been a friend in his eyes, mainly because she's almost his age.

"Now if you all would recap from last class, we talked about the significance of this theory in modern day," Professor Xavier reminds, "Could anyone give me one of those reasons?"

The silence of the entire classroom started to intimidate every one within it. Students know the answer, no doubt about it, but they are reluctant to give the answer which surprised Lillian since everybody looks for ways to impress Professor Xavier.

That's a first-

"Ms. Goodheart, why don't you give us the answer?" Charles says and tried to hide the smile creeping on his lips.

She clears her throat and smiles forcefully, knowing that Charles must have had a hand in everyone else not answering. "W-Well one reason is that our technology is advancing at uh, fast rate and this um... helps the theory to advance too," She answers flatly and he smiles widely.

"Good work Lily-lian," Charles almost slips with calling her by the nickname he uses, "Now who's going to give me the next point?"


He continues to pick on her for the remainder of the class time, which obviously puts her on edge. She keeps reminding herself that he's not being rude, it's an odd way to show his affection for her without other people suspecting... but they already probably have an idea about something being up between the two of them.

Lillian decided to play a game when he asked everyone to read silently and take notes. She is anyways finding the class rather dry for her taste.

"By the way I'm not going to call you Chuck from your demands," She says quietly in her mind.

Nothing. He does not react in any way, which disappoints Lillian. She then recalls that Charles had promised that he wouldn't read her mind again...

She picks up her own and starts doodling somethinf on her paper so she looks busy. Thinking about what to say, she smiles.

"I think I'll call you Charlie, Chuck reminds me of a chubby kid or an old man," She says a little louder than before.

Still not a single movement from the Professor.

Lillian sighs and looks out of the window, wondering if the concept of him hearing her without him looking into his mind was even possible.

𝕄𝕌𝕋𝔸𝕋𝕀𝕊 𝕄𝕌𝕋𝔸ℕ𝔻𝕀𝕊 ~ 𝘟-𝘔𝘦𝘯Where stories live. Discover now