34.a - 01/11/1969, SAT

74 3 0

The distant blaring siren starts to draw closer, stripping Charles from his drug-induced slumber. With a sudden reaction, his eyes dart open and glance around the room in pure disorientation. He started to lift himself up, but a wave of nausea from the intense series of dizziness hits his insides.

He shuts his eyes for a moment and takes a deep breath to calm his nerves, before getting off the bed on which he had laid. It was at that instant where he realized the whole room was illuminated with red.

As sinister as it looks, the emergency light in the corner of the room beat like a heart, synchronized with the siren.

He attempts to use his powers to figure out what is going on at the moment but all he comprehends is a mess of... chaos.

Charles notices the sound of people frantically running around and the shadows behind the translucent glass pane confirms it.

He has a sudden, overwhelming feeling that this facility is about to collapse at any moment... and he has not a clue of what to-


Charles jerks in fright, his attention shifting to the room door that seemed to vibrate from the loud sound.


Someone's breaking in, Charles thinks to himself.

He glances around the room, searching for a weapon in what little illumination the red light gives off. After scavenging the room to save his own life, Charles grips a hammer sitting inside a tool box in the corner of the room tightly after taking it out.

Charles slowly advances to the door, dread sinking into his muscles and causing him a slight lack of fast reflexes.


With every deafening noise, he flinches until the door is ripped off its hinges and thrown to the far side of the hallway.

He gulps in pure terror, forming the courage to verbally face this... intruder, "L-L-Look, I mean n-no harm at all! Please just-"

The darkened figure hastens towards Charles and as soon as a face is revealed, Charles stares on with a mixture of surprise and confusion.

"Hank?!" He blurts out, speechless to any other words due to the fact that he hasn't seen his friend in ages... and that Hank was currently in his blue Beast mode.

"Professor, we have to go!" Hank exclaims as he watches the corridor on his left and right for any threats.

Charles walks towards him slowly, furrowing his eyebrows with confusion, "Wait, what's going on?"

Hank grabs the Professor's arm and guides him out of the room and down the corridor. "I don't know but these people have been experimenting on me and for some reason, I'm stuck like this!" Hank responds with rage, his fangs in full display as he speaks, "I heard you communicate in my mind and I somehow escaped. We have to get out of here NOW-"

He stops in his tracks, taken over by an overdose of confusion and shock. Hank widens his eyes and faces the Professor, "Y-You're walking?! H-How... What? How did you-"

"They did something to me Hank, when they put me in the cryonic hibernation procedure," Charles explains in a rush, rather grimly.

"But it's amazing!" He expresses, "Maybe these people aren't-"

"NO!" Charles shouts, causing Hank to back a little with worry, "They have spoilt... e-everything in our lives Hank. They've ruined everything, I mean look at you! They've done something to you, clearly. We have to stop whatever these people are doing, even if I never walk again!"

𝕄𝕌𝕋𝔸𝕋𝕀𝕊 𝕄𝕌𝕋𝔸ℕ𝔻𝕀𝕊 ~ 𝘟-𝘔𝘦𝘯Where stories live. Discover now