21 - 18/02/1969, TUE

111 5 0


"W-Whhat's going on?! Where... Wh-Where am I? CHARLES!"

The Professor stirs awake from his slumber and puts his arm out while saying, loudly, "I'm here Lily, I'm here!" He jumps onto his wheel chair from the small guest bed he had been sleeping on and moves his chair closer to Lillian's hospital bed.

"What's g-going... What am I doing here Charles?" She asks with confusion and the Professor holds her hand tightly. He tells her everything that happened a couple of days ago, making her frown.

"I-I-I want to go home. Tell them to let me-"

"It's not that simple Lily, they have to run a few tests and-"

"NO!" She grabs his shirt and pulls him forward forcefully, yelling, "I'm a mutant and you can check me. NO TESTS! I want to go back to the school NOW!"

Lillian gasps in shock at her attitude then let's go of his shirt. "I'm... s-sorry Charles..." She mumbles and he clears his throat.

"You're getting those tests done Lillian," He says flatly and exits the room without saying or asking anything else. Charles is surely concerned about her health, it seems to be degrading by the minute.


Charles waits impatiently in the lobby for Lillian to return from her MRI. He knows that she does not need it since she has her powers and her episode is clearly because of it but there is no harm done in-

He jerks suddenly, his head snapping to look to his right in concern. There was a loud, shrill scream coming from  room beyond the doors and-

"Ch-Char-l-les! CH-CH-CH-AR-LE-LES!"

His name echoed repeatedly in his head, the voice sounding exactly like Lillian, causing it to throb sharply. He struggles to reach the joystick on his wheelchair because of his shaking hands but a moment later he hastens towards the other side of the hospital.

Three minutes pass by as he reaches the MRI testing room, after yelling and asking every other person he spotted. Soon he found a few hospital staff members running towards on specific room. He concluded that Lillian is probably in there.

As he enters the room, the ache piercing through his skull intensifies and is almost unbearable for Charles to handle.

"S-ST-TOP!" He demand at the top of his lungs, causing a security guard to take a hold of his wheelchair.

"Sir what are you doing here?! This is restricted area," He informs sternly and Charles glares at him.

"N-NO y-you... don't underst-st-and! Stop the m-machine!" Charles attempts to make them understand while struggling to talk properly.

Nurses and doctors rush into the MRI room,  beyond the two-way glass. Lights start to flicker, Charles spots Lillina having some sort of seizure while laying down and he starts to panic.

He pushes a few of the staff members aside and starts banging on the glass door, while yelling, "LILLIAN!"

The doctors at enable to do anything to make it stop-


One of the doctors received a shock from the machine, falling back, hitting his head on the wall and being knocked unconscious immediately. The rest of the staff turn to tend to him, chaos swarming throughout the entire room.

Charles sighs with frustration then moves towards the control panel, with buttons flashing red and a low buzzing noise indicating DANGER.

He frantically looks around for an off switch, while glancing at Lillian often enough for him to see if she is still alive.

Though he only has a few moments... before she kills Charles' mind and herself in the process.

While he drowns her screams, he finds a button with a sticker that says: 'IN CASE OF EMERGENCY'. Getting rid of hesitation, he slams his fist onto the large button and all of a sudden, the glowing lights and caution noises come to a halt.

The room falls a little dark, Charles  squints his eyes to see beyond the glass window and watch Lillian. The door slides open slowly with Charles approaching it cautiously.

Two nurses head over to check on Lillian while a doctor runs out of the room, towards the exit and in desperate need of help for the doctor who injured his head.

Charles quickly moves towards Lillian, sighing with relief to find that the only harm that has come to her is paranoia... though that is entirely what he's assuming from visuals alone.

"LILY! Are you alright?!" He questions with concern and holds her hand tightly, which startles her at first. Nurses hurry to bring a wheelchair, giving time for Charles to talk to Lillian.

"Now what happened?" He asks softly, but she doesn't seem too keen on responding since she still feels a little disoriented, "Lillian talk-"

"They hurt me Charles... IT HURT," She yells suddenly and snatches her hand away from the Professor's hold. She pulls her knees up to her chest and stares at him with fright.


"YOU SAID YOU'D PROTECT ME CHARLES!" She shouts with full force, "They'll get me Charles and-I SAW EVERYTHING!"

He furrows his eyebrows, "Wh-What? Lily you're-"

"I SAW THE CHAIRS, the wires, the MEDICINES Charles! I saw it all and they were putting it all in us, experimenting on us and turning us into... M-MONSTERS!" Lillian said, jittery with delusion, pulling her hair and rubbing her face.

Charles pauses, absorbing the words she had just said. "You... have seen this before r-right?" He asks and she nods her head quickly.

Charles shakes his head to shrug off the thought then runs his fingers through her hair slowly, with comfort. "Lillian, nothing's going to happen okay? It was just th-the machine and your headache. We'll be home in no time and you'll be as... relaxed as ever."

"B-B-But you don't-"

"Lillian stop it."

"Charles it's true okay-"

"Look I'll treat you to a lovely dinner. Just forget about-"


The Professor looks to her, completely startled, and takes a deep breath. Lillian starts to shiver slightly then glares at him.

"S-Something's... happening and it's... Just around the corner," She whispers the last part and shirts her eyes.

Charles stares at her with worry then mumbles, "Let's get you out of this hospital Lillian. You need to rest at home."

𝕄𝕌𝕋𝔸𝕋𝕀𝕊 𝕄𝕌𝕋𝔸ℕ𝔻𝕀𝕊 ~ 𝘟-𝘔𝘦𝘯Where stories live. Discover now