17 - 11/01/1969, SAT

129 5 0

Dear Diary,

I've been completely tied up with daily errands and commitments, I apologise for the lack of writing. My life has been quite eventful during these past few weeks. I hope you would understand.

Of course you will, you're just a book... Am I that lonely? I'm talking to a inanimate object, brilliant.

Anyways, Lillian and I are very happy with each other. I'm so proud of her, she has finally got a hold on her powers of precognition and she can use them extremely well. She has even shared her experiences with a few of the students here, they all find her fascinating. On the topic of students, I had given one of my classes the task of picking out a name for Lillian to maintain her anonymity in the field. It's sort of like an X-men tradition, so to speak. Many came up with responses like 'foresight', 'oracle' and 'fortune'. One student suggested 'vision', which I thought sounded pretty apt though my favourite out of all of them was 'Omen'. When I heard it, the name immediately stuck. I went over to Lillian later and she thought it was alright. She was still pissed off at me for picking on her in class.

In conclusion, she's called Omen now. Most of the students use it but I still call her Lily... she's my Lily now and I can't be happier.

Lillian, Hank and I had gone to a bar for New Year celebrations, just to detach from our schedules. Hank had disappeared after seeing a familiar face and I got a little more drunk than I would have hoped. We talked about some touching topics and she just... she kissed me. I couldn't believe it, I thought she looked up to me like a helper or tutor but she seemed to be fond of me from the beginning. I shared that sentiment, there's something about her that just resonates with me.

I love her.

She's conscious about us being in a relationship or whatever we have right now. I don't blame her, I feel the same way. It's not that I don't want to be seen with her or I'm embarrassed, of course not, but we do live in a public facility and... other people would find it strange.

Lily claims that I'm the first person she's felt affection towards. I didn't believe it at first, she has missed out on so much in her life. But then she told me that she's never felt any sort of admiration towards anyone, not even her family. She did not really have a family to begin with.

I wish I could have been there for her that time, and helped her with life. The things I would have done to make sure she was happy...

But she's with me now, and I can take care of her and watch over her. I won't let anything happen to her. She's special, for me and for the world. She's made for big things, I just know it.

Right now I'm waiting for Lily to come to the lounge with something to eat. We're going to watching a movie together. I invited Hank to join us but he said that he would attend according to how much work he has left. Something tells me that he's trying to give me and Lillian time alone... did he see our kiss that day?

I don't fancy watching horror films but Lily loves them. I found that out when I looked into her mind for the first time. Memories of her walking by the film theatres looking at the posters and watching trailers playing on large screens, along with her watching a few films during her childhood were scattered across her mind.

I would probably

Sorry I had to sit on top of 'you', she had just burst into the room. She's gone to the washroom right now. I've got another few minutes to finish this diary entry.

Anyways, I forgot what I was about to write for that uncompleted sentence. I'm actually enjoying the film! It's not that scary, I'm clinging onto her hand the hold time. At least, 'Nosferatu' is quite an old film so for now, I've been pardoned with nightmares.

I can hear her comi

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