12 - 24/12/1968, TUE

173 4 0

Dear Diary,

It's been a couple of days since Lillian and I went outside for a casual stroll. I still haven't forgotten about what I did, it was a stupid mistake. It is never right to look into someone's mind...

Anyways, I got around to doing some research about the power of precognition and foresight and it is quite intriguing. According to what I have gathered from various books, it seems as though Lillian may be able to direct her powers towards seeing the specific future of a person, object or creature, on demand, while also looking at the overall future of her surroundings. Being an observer of her mind directly, I feel that her powers could extend to the vast time frame of the subject till their life comes to an end. She could perhaps, in theory, see my future until my death, all in a quick flash of events. Then she would be able to narrow down her foresight and pick out any event in a timeline. Of course, this is all in a theoretical sense... Lillian may only be able to see the future in her dreams or as random visions, for all that I know.

Though her mental capacity according to my understanding is far more advanced than just carrying out a simple task. I believe that if she focuses and trains her mind to funnel out what she wants to see and doesn't want to, she can do some pretty incredible things.

Today I completed marking most of my students' handed-in assignments. I'm quite happy with their work, they make me proud. I'm only worried about Dylan, he seems in need of some more assistance. I'll probably talk to him about it when he gets back. By the way, Dylan is the one who can control wind currents and force. He is a powerful young man with great enthusiasm, but despises written work.

I haven't been sleeping much since I want to finish my pending work and help Lillian out as much as I can. I'm so exhausted, in dire need of a good few hours to have a comfortable rest. Since majority of the students are away on holiday, I can devote all my time to Lillian and make the most of this break. It will be good for her... and good for me too.

After having late-afternoon lunch, I called her into my study so that I could officially begin my training with her. I could sense a feeling of nervousness from her, she didn't seem too keen on embarrassing herself or messing up. This was all from observing her body language, I did NOT look into her mind again.

She sat opposite me and I shared with her all the research I had found earlier on her powers. She was surprised, she told me she didn't believe that she had that much power inside. I believe her capabilities... She can do amazing things but she just needs to realise it.

I told her to let all her fears go and shut her eyes. As she did I asked her to feel a sense of freedom, and let all her powers come on their own. Of course, it's not that easy for someone who has consistently thought that their powers are a burden.

I took her hands, which she did not protest against, and shut my eyes with her. I whispered the following words:

"Picture a desolate land, a place where there is nothing for you to see. Now fill it with the people you have seen in the past, fill it with things you've seen in your dreams, fill it's entire setting Lily."

She gripped my hand tightly at that point, as if she were clinging onto it for her life. I felt as if I reached somewhere with her after saying that, her powers started to channel within her more freely.

I was about to speak again but she snatches her hands away, scratching mine with her nails in the process. When I opened my eyes I found her sprawled on the floor, gripping her head and pulling at her hair. She started to cry and scream, it was deafening.

I tried to calm her down, though his matter how much I wanted to I didn't use my powers. I made a promise...

Hank came running in moments later and he picked Lillian up and put her on the sofa near the window. She started to have a convulsion, her body started to tremble and jerk, and I was on the verge of tears.

I grabbed a sedative from one of my cupboards and a syringe then went over to her. Hank pinned her arms and legs down while I gathered the will to inject the contents of the syringe into her.

She was about to push Hank off with a sudden show of strength but then the sedative took its kick and she fell unconscious.

It was the most horrifying and guilt-ridden thing I have ever seen and felt. She was in great pain and... It was all my fault.

Sorry, I literally slammed my diary shut and threw it into the table drawer. Lillian had knocked on my door. She was telling me about what happened to her, how she felt. I concluded that it was probably the sudden surge of power to her mind since she disconnected all her mental barriers controlling it.

I told her I was sorry, and that we would only continue this, in another way of course, if she wanted to. She just... there was something about her that seemed changed, lile she was more determined to have control over her powers. Maybe she saw something, maybe she realised that she has an entire world that she can access but it's bolted shut from her right now.

I told her that we can take a break for a day or two but she insisted that we do it again tomorrow... I didn't have any problems other than not wanting her to have permanent harm. But then I looked over to my calendar and smiled softly, telling her that it's Christmas tomorrow. She seemed... sad that she couldn't work on her powers immediately, though she didn't despise the idea of spending Christmas day with Hank and I.

Anyways, it's late. I should sleep now. I've thought of ways to go about training her powers. Let's see how it goes.


𝕄𝕌𝕋𝔸𝕋𝕀𝕊 𝕄𝕌𝕋𝔸ℕ𝔻𝕀𝕊 ~ 𝘟-𝘔𝘦𝘯Where stories live. Discover now