06 - 20/11/1968, WED

489 9 0

Dear Diary,

I can't believe that she's actually real... She looks exactly the same like in my dream and she is just mind blowing, phenomenal, brilliant!

I don't mean that in a flirty way but her mind... it is literally sensational. I tried to look into it to find her deeper side but I couldn't get past it vastness. There's a whole world in there filled with people and places, good and bad, dreams and nightmares.

No wonder she's been reaching out with distress and concern. It's an absolute muddled mess in there.

I started to talk to her, get to know her a little bit. She was pretty uncomfortable with how open and interested I was in her, I should have been more subtle. But after a few enchanted words and phrases, I revealed that I had found we because of the searing headache I was suffering from for quite a while now. I told her all about my dreams and she was extremely fascinated to hear everything I had to say. The brilliant thing was that my head pains started to diminish slowly... It's probably linked to how distressed she feels.

At a point I just sat in silence while agreeing and nodding my head to whatever she was saying, to concentrate on interpreting her mind, and I could tell that she noticed my sudden detachment. She started distracting me to recapture my lost attention from her, and I gave in.

I smiled softly then told her to shut her eyes and clear her mind. I whispered something in her mind, I heard her gasp a bit and unconsciously I touched her hand to comfort her... I have no idea why I did that though. I assure you that I'm just here to help a lost mutant.

Amidst the telepathy, I saw her open her eyes and a look of genuine and innocent surprise flooded her face. She noticed that I wasn't moving my mouth and I chuckled.

I remember I said, "I've got powers too... just like you Lily." She bit her lip then I asked her of I could call her Lily, I think it sounds really melodious that way.

Lillian denied my claim and said that she has a curse. It always feels like that at first when someone finds out about their powers and can't seem to control them. I reassured her that she's gifted, that she's got great potential and I truly believe it.

I knew she liked me, she felt comfortable about me. I didn't have to read her mind to know that, I know a hint about body language by now.

She took me around where she stays. At first I thought that she was hanging out at that deserted place to be alone but after taking a real notice of her ragged clothing, tattered shoes and dirt marks all over her face and hands I realised that she... lives here.

There was some sort of garbage bag, filled with chicken feathers and old clothes, make-shift bed put inside a large shipment container with a wax lantern on the side, a small side table and a box with a wooden lid. She opened it up and told me it's where she keeps her food inventory.

It was probably the most saddening thing I have ever seen in my whole life. I don't think I've ever felt that much despair, not even after I got shot. She doesn't deserve to live in such a state, she deserves so much more... Lillian needs my help. She needs me.

Lillian told me that she lost her family at a very young age. Her father was being black mailed to work for some nasty people and being a good man he disagreed and tool him away. Soon her mother left out of depression and hopelessness, leaving her all alone to fend for herself as a young child. She never really felt that she had any other family besides her parents and her neighbours whom they shared a lot of time with but even that grew distant.

I could feel tears forming in my eyes, I get emotional when hearing about someone's tragic past.

I told Lillian that she can come to the School For Gifted Youngsters after giving her an overview about what to expect from it. Besides that, I didn't want her to live in a dump anymore! She has her whole life ahead of her and she needs to spend every moment doing what she loves in a place that she could feel comfort.

I smiled softly when she had said, "But I'm not going to fit in a school for kids. I'll look really weird, and creepy." It was at that moment that I asked her age, which she replied by saying twenty-five.

I chucked at that, she's four years younger than me. I was sort of right with my estimation! I played a little game with her, asking to guess how old I am. She was sort of on the right spot. I joked about how she's almost my age and I don't a faint bit old, that made her happy.

But still, much to my disappointment, she persisted on taking a moment to think about it. A part of me felt, and still feels that she'll come over sometime soon though I've learnt not to trust this gut feeling. I wanted her to come back with me today but she was hesitant.

We'll see how things play out, I just want the best for her. I don't know her that well but she... intrigues me.


𝕄𝕌𝕋𝔸𝕋𝕀𝕊 𝕄𝕌𝕋𝔸ℕ𝔻𝕀𝕊 ~ 𝘟-𝘔𝘦𝘯Where stories live. Discover now