25 - 12/04/1969, SAT

91 3 0

Lillian glances around the bar, looking for her new friend that seems to be late to the meet up. She frowns then looks to the bar, staring at the beer bottle in front of her.

"Can I buy you a drink?" A man leans close to her ear and whispers, making her startled. Lillian looks to the man and smiles when she sees that it's her friend.

"Ennis!" She says happily and gives him a quick hug, "I thought you wouldn't show up."

"And why would I do that?" He looks to the bartender and raises two fingers, "I've been looking forward to meeting again ever since we saw each other at the expo."

Lillian smiles softly and looks to her hands, then pulls her black leather skirt down a little, from feeling conscious. She rests her chin on her hand and watches Ennis with awe, while he receives the drinks from the bartender.

He hands her a shot glass and then clinks it with his own. "Here's to a thrilling summit tour for the next couple of months and to the start of a beautiful friendship," He smirked and Lillian nods her head.

They drink at the same time then place the glasses face down on the bar. "Get another one," Lillian says after squinting her eyes and clearing her throat. Ennis raises an eyebrow then grins, "Two more!"


Lillian laughs wholeheartedly at the story he is telling her about the time when he was locked inside his office building for an entire weekend, coincidentally when a power cut had occurred in the building.

"I'm not lying, it actually happened and it was cold and horrible," He chuckles then sighs, "You just... had to be there."

"After your explanation, I don't think I would want to," She giggles and Ennis dips a nacho chip into the bowl of salsa.

"You're really pretty, you know?" He compliments after placing the chip in his mouth and chewing it. Lillian feels her cheeks grow hot and she clears her throat.

"Thank you Ennis..." She places a strand of hair behind her ear, "Actually, sorry I'm with someone."

"A man can't compliment a woman without meaning it to be flirting?" He questions and frowns.

She bites her lip and sighs sadly, "Um... Well I... sorry it's just, I've never been away from someone I care about and I miss him."

"So who's this guy?"

"Charles, he's um, a professor. He's so sweet and kind-"

"Wait, Professor Charles Xavier?" He puts his hand out in question and Lillian nods her head, "That's amazing, he's a phenomenal human being! I've read all his papers, I actually thought he was going to attend this meeting."

Lillian furrows her eyebrows and takes the last sip of her beer, "He couldn't make it. I came on his behalf."

"All the better then," Ennis winks his eye, making her smile a bit, "Do you want anything else to eat?"

"Yes, these nachos are amazing!" She comments and he reaches for his wallet in his pant pocket. Lillian, without thinking, places her hand on top of his on the bar, "No it's on me-"

She gasps and sucks in a sharp breath all of a sudden as a rush of power surges through her mind. Lillian witnesses flashes of the future and she widens her eyes.

"What's h-happening? NO PLEASE-" A woman stutters then stopped talking abruptly. A man walks up to her and smiles, placing a hand on her forehead then reaching for the machine's dial and turning it to the maximum that causes the electrodes attached to the woman's head to send out the highest electric shocks.

Lillian stumbles a little and grabs the bar stool to regain her balance. Ennis moves closer to her, "Are you alright?"

She steadies her breathing and looks to his eyes with fear. "I don't... I just... I'm fine," Lillian shakes her head and watches the floor.

"Are you sure?" He raises an eyebrow and holds her arm lightly for reassurance. She smiles nervously quickly then rubs her forehead.

There's a pause in their conversation, a period of silence and awkwardness as questions start racing in her mind about what she saw... wishing it was just her being exhausted and not someone of the future.

"So... have you ever been a part of focus groups?" Lillian asks and he chuckles.

"Um... that was sudden. Well, no I don't think-"

"What about those trials?"


"Like those business or experimental trials... for case studies and psychology," Lillian adds then looks to her right to avoid his gaze.

He furrows his eyebrows, feeling a sense of suspicion emitting from the woman in front of him. "What are you getting at Lillian?" He asks flatly and she scoffs.

"N-Nothing I just... I was-You look..." She clenches her jaw and thinks about how to get herself out of this horrible situation, "You sure you weren't around the city that time?"

"What are you talking about?"

"It's just that this large corporation were giving out prizes and I swear I saw you there when I went to get some information about it," She explains, lying it remaining confident so that Ennis would believe her.

He took in a deep breath and ran a hand through his hair, "No I wasn't..."

She smiles and nods her head, shrugging her shoulders slightly, "Anyways, they say you have seven clones of yourself on the entire globe." Lillian laughs nervously and he smiles awkwardly.

"Well this... has been nice," Ennis says, "It's getting late." Lillian glances to the clock hanging on the wall quickly and stares. It's only 8 PM, why is Ennis leaving-

He leans closer to her and plants a quick kiss on her cheek. She feels surprised and bites the inside of her cheek.

"It was lovely meeting you again Lily, but I have to get going," He explains, "Something to prepare for before tomorrow's session."

Lillian watches as he walks off towards the bar's door. He looks back and waves at her with a wide smile and she waves back, feeling a hint of confusion.

𝕄𝕌𝕋𝔸𝕋𝕀𝕊 𝕄𝕌𝕋𝔸ℕ𝔻𝕀𝕊 ~ 𝘟-𝘔𝘦𝘯Where stories live. Discover now