27 - 20/07/1969, SUN

88 5 0

Everyone crowds around the television set, anticipation rising in the room. The young children and some of the faculty in the room watch the show going on as a commentator describes the current happenings at the launch site.

"As you can see people have gathered around to witness the greatest feat in the history of mankind: The first man on the moon," A man dressed in a tan trench coat and holding a microphone informs then looks behind himself, "Right there is where the space craft had taken off. The astronauts manning the craft are right now approaching Earth's moon."

Hank smiles widely as he observes the students intently watching the television screen. "Professor Xavier, they're showing a..." He glances around the large room for any sign of the Professor. Hank frowns when he us unable to spot him.

He moves about the crowd, standing on his toes from time to time to get a better view over the heads. "Professor?" He calls out then asks one of the teachers, "Have you seen the Professor?"

She shakes her head and Hank furrows her eyebrows. He exits the room then glances down the hallway with confusion.


Hank's attention shifts to the left as he glimpses the a wheel of the Professor's wheel chair curve on the corner. Hank jogs to the end of the hallway and finds Charles sitting in the middle, completely still.

"Um... Professor?" Hank questions with puzzlement, "Are you... alright?" The wheelchair turns around and Charles faces his friend sadly.

"Hank, what are you doing here? The moon landing..."

"Aren't you watching?" He responds with curiousity and Charles shifts to wheel ahead down the hallway.

"No of course not. I don't give a damn about the bloody moon landing HANK!" Charles yells, startling Hank, then he sighs, "How could I when I've got no leads on Lillian? Not to sound protective or narrow-minded, I'm sure she's doing fine, but she could be out in the world lost and confused... and alone, with no hope towards finding help and coming home."


"You know she hasn't travelled before in her life, and that too to another country? I shouldn't have let her go," Charles shakes his head with dismay, "This is my fault."

Hank sucks in a sharp breath then reacts, "This is not your fault Professor, how can  rationale mind like yours think that-"

"Rationale mind..." He raised a hand up to stop Hank from speaking, "Wait I think I've got it. Why didn't I think of this before?!"

Charles hurries to the elevator and Hank runs up to him, holding the door and helping him inside. "Hank I don't need your company, thank you," He expresses flatly.

"But I want to help. I miss Lillian as much as you do Professor," He responds and Charles nods his head slowly.

"Alright," He says as the elevator doors come to a close, and the claustrophobic metallic box descends, "I've tried using my powers to reach out to Lily and have got nowhere. But what if I need a little... power-push to actually locate her whereabouts?"


The Professor had turned to Cerebro for assistance. That old machine has been of quite help in the past months and he had hoped that it would have another stroke of luck.

And while using Cerebro, he had found exactly what he wanted.

Charles exits the large hemisphere of a room as Cerebro powers down and the lights dim out, then with his game-face on, motors ahead to the elevator to start his plan on getting Lillian back.

"She's in London, I should have known by this time the entire summit meeting would have reached that point," Charles mumbles, more to himself than towards expressing it to Hank.

The Professor looks up to his friend then nods his head. "I need to pack my things and book a plane ticket," He informs quietly, "I have to reach London as soon as I can-"

"Professor you can't go alone, I'll come-"

"No Hank, someone needs to watch the school while I'm gone... someone trustworthy," Charles explains flatly as he wheels his chair out of the elevator.

Hank starts to argue with the Professor, raising the point that if Lillian really in trouble then he would need some to keep a watch on him, but the Professor doesn't accept the help offered easily.

"These people could be far more dangerous than any you've ever dealt with. Lillian is a mutant and her disappearance could be linked to her powers," Hank explains tiredly, "I'm sorry Professor, but I can't let you leave on your own, also given your poor health these days. It's too risky and these students... don't want to see their favourite teacher six feet under."

"They won't kill me, anyways Lillian is the only thing that matters," Professor Xavier stares at the corridor ahead blankly, "Everything else is secondary-"

"I'm sorry but I can't stand whatever this is anymore, Professor!" Hank exclaims, "You're only focused on her, what about everyone else here? What about your own health?! You don't enjoy your time anymore, much less care about the moon landing."

Charles frowns and Hank pauses his words of expression. "You didn't even care about your birthday," He continues sadly, "It was last week Professor, do you remember? We even surprised you but all you're doing is, I'm sorry, acting like a child and no one here is amused!"

The Professor stares at Hank with bewilderment. He had never seen the young man so exasperated before. Hank clenches his jaw then looks to the floor.

"Professor I'm... sorry, I shouldn't talk to you like-"

"No Hank, you're right. I'm the one at fault, I've been blinded by my care and affections for Lillian that I stopped realising that my life has other elements to it," He sighs, "Will you assist me on the trip, Hank?

"Of course Professor."

"Alright but before helping me with my bags, I would like to watch the moon landing," The Professor says and Hank smiles softly, following him to the lounge where numerous students and faculty are still watching the television coverage of probably the greatest event to ever be recorded in history.

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