08 - 28/11/1968, THU

278 7 0

He scrunches his nose and shifts his position, burrowing his eyebrows at the disturbance. Something unsettling surrounds him, in his sleep.

The Professor's eyes open wide all of a sudden, piercing through the darkness blanketing him in the chilly room. He can hear chatter outside, shadows pass by under the door crack that illuminates the room lightly.

The Professor listens quietly then jumps onto his wheel chair and heads for the door, after stretching his arms. On the way, he takes a glimpse of the clock on his bedside table and raises his eyebrows. It's two in the AM.

What now? He thinks, If it's one of Larry's pranks again, I swear...

He opens the door and peeks outside, immediately hurrying when he finds all the children standing out of their doors.

"HEY, Lillian, calm down!"


Charles feels himself start to panic at bearing Hank and then Lillian yelling at the top of their lungs. How did he not hear it all happening?

As he moves closer to the two of them at the end of the hallway, he uses his mind mojo to calm her-

He holds his forehead tightly, wincing and groaning in pain. He isn't able to access her mind without his feeling like it's about to fry like an egg for breakfast.

"H-Hank what's going-"

"YOU..." Lillian's bloodshot eyes darted around then landed on the Professor with complete fear, "IT'S YOUR F-FAULT CHARLES!"



The Professor glances back over his shoulder and gulps. All his students were watching this occurrence with belief that she actually knows what she's saying.

"Sh-She's clearly having a night terror-"


"Professor she's... Should I tell everyone to go to their rooms?" Hank questions and the Professor nods his head quickly, then returns his attention to the disturbance in the room.

To add to his confusion, Lillian starts to cry. "Wh-Why Charles? After all we've b-been through, how could y-you?" She says with tears streaming down her face. The Professor stares at her with nothing to say. He wants to ask and argue but he knows it would be of no use since she's obviously have a nightly sleep-talking episode.

"Why don't you go inside your room and tell me everything?" He attempts to reason and she buries her face in her hands.

"You know that y-you can tell me everything, tell me all about your l-legs and Sebastian Sh-Shaw," She mumbles and a shiver runs down the Professor's back.


"And Erik, and who's that girl... R-Raven?"

"Lily s-stop it."

"Don't deny it Professor!" Lillian says then smiles creepily and sings, "Don't deny your past... Everyone's a little screwed up here!" She points to the side of her forehead and laughs.

Charles squints his eyes and tries to use his  powers once again but nothing-

"LILLIAN, TIME TO SLEEP!" He commands firmly after finding an opening of calmness in her mind that he could communicate with.

She stumbles and leans to the side on the door frame, shutting her eyes after going unconscious. Unfortunately, she loses her balance and falls upon the Professor, with her head on his knees and the rest of her body on the floor.

"Hank, h-help!" He alerts after not being able to lift her off of him. Hank comes over swiftly and picks Lillian up and leads her limp body to the bed.

Once she is settled and peaceful, the Professor rests his chin on the palm of his hand while being consumed on his thoughts.

"S-So what do you make of it?" Hank asks with heaitance while placing his hands in his sweat pant's pockets. The Professor starts to shake his head and shrug his shoulders.

"I don't know... I really don't," He says quietly, "She knew about it all. Did she see us in her nightmares?"

Hank does not know how to respond to the question, he just shrugs his shoulders. Charles remains in a state of bewilderment as he wheels his seat towards his bedroom to resume his night's sleep.

"Why did the Professor bring her here?"

"She's odd, it's creeping me out!"

"Does the Professor know her for a while?"

"She probably stayed in an asylum, she probably can do things with her mind."

"She's like a nightmare... I know! Her name should be 'Phantom'."

The Professor stops his wheel chair abruptly, absorbing the thoughts he captures from various young students. He clenches his jaw, finding it disturbing that they think of her this sadly.

Eliminating it from his mind, he continues to his bedroom slowly while feeling a state of slumber start to take over his consciousness.

𝕄𝕌𝕋𝔸𝕋𝕀𝕊 𝕄𝕌𝕋𝔸ℕ𝔻𝕀𝕊 ~ 𝘟-𝘔𝘦𝘯Where stories live. Discover now