33 - 30/10/1969, THU

72 3 0

Lillian feels herself being pulled back to reality from the nightmare she's 'fortunate' enough to experience at every moment of her day.

Her vision is filled with a spectrum of strife, chaos, pain, relief, misery, success, excitement, disappointment, depression and death... The negatives way out the positives and she wishes that it were otherwise.

She gasps loudly, her eyes darting open as the coffin's white glow started to rise up. Lillian tugged on the restraints around her hands and legs, kicking the sides of the coffin and the lid in attempts to break free from entrapment.

"LET ME OUT!" She screamed, her voice firing back into her ears, "I can't... I-I-"

She heaves for a breath of air, she struggled to remain conscious due to the lack of oxygen. The banging against the walls of the coffin starts to diminish as her energy reduces to a minimum.

Lillian's eyes start to droop to a close. Calling the object she lays in a 'coffin' added to her distress. It was more of a compartment...

And one would assume that she would get used to its humming and beeping after having activated within it countless times but it always succeeds in intimidating her.

With a loud HISS! the compartment's top slowly raises itself by its hinges on the side to an open... much like a coffin.

Lillian lays completely still for a moment as it opens then leaps out of it, the exhilaration of finally concluding today's session flooding within her body and mind.

She hastens towards a box with her jacket and shoes, stumbling a couple of times on the way. She grabs the objects quickly and puts them on.


Lillian ignores the loudness of the door behind her, too focused on getting out of this eerie white room where this simulation pod of a coffin sits in the middle.

Ever since Lillian had been abducted from the Summit Meeting events, she was brought to an unknown facility and had grown acquainted with the man who conned her: Ennis Clark. He lured her in with that classic innocent expression then placed her in this place of 'whiteness' and cleanliness' to be prodded and tested on every single day for reasons that are still ambiguous to her.

After passing the preliminary tests and trials, she was assigned the 'simulation pod', a machine that can aid with channelling her powers of foresight. As if watching a film, she can see everything vividly. Events of her own future, of people close to her, of complete strangers; all things are visible to her... and Ennis and his team of minions have everything recorded.

In a nutshell, it is a Cerebro for her mind instead of the Professor's-

Lillian stares at her the ground blankly after slipping her second shoe onto her foot. The thought of the Professor reminds her of something that hasn't really occurred to her during these past few months: Where is Charles?

Lillian furrows her eyebrows then shrugs off the thought and turns around, marching towards the main door-


She hits a barrier, the impact disorients her for a moment before realising that she bumped into Ennis.

"Woah there," Ennis places his hands out in front of him, "Slow down Lily."

Lillian glares at him at his use of that nickname. Coming out of his mouth made her want to slap him.

𝕄𝕌𝕋𝔸𝕋𝕀𝕊 𝕄𝕌𝕋𝔸ℕ𝔻𝕀𝕊 ~ 𝘟-𝘔𝘦𝘯Where stories live. Discover now