04 - 18/11/1968, MON

582 14 0

Dear diary,

You will not believe what happened to me today, I'm not overreacting or exaggerating. This is completely sincere and genuine, honestly.

I had this dream but it wasn't like any of the other nasty ones I've had over the short span of time. It wad calming, something I enjoyed actually. Okay here's how it went...

I was walking down Manhattan, New York, or at least it looked the part, and there were cars driving by and people minding their own business like on any street or place. What was different was that there was a woman in my presence, a few steps a head of me. I thought she was a regular bystander till she called out my name, which was more of an echo that something clear.

When she said 'Charles', I felt shivers all over my body. Her voice was beautiful but the fact that she spoke and how she said it was kind of eerie and unsettling.

She then grabbed my hand with a soft hold and pulled me closer to her, laughing at the probably confused expressions I had on my face. She pointed at a fee of the shops and buildings, sharing her comments. I can't really remember anything else she had said to me.

Then she stopped suddenly and took my hands. She reached into her pocket and took out a piece of paper. I looked at it with no emotion, but after she placed it in my hand I quickly opened it up and-

I woke up, sweaty and not alarmed like I usually am. It was rather disappointing but I opened the note just in time before I was pulled out of the dream. It had the letters 'LG' written as initials on it, with a smudged ink, I still remember.

I tried to go back to sleep but I couldn't because I knew that this dream wad some sort of sign, intentional or the person didn't know they were communicating with me. I felt enthralled and I got out of bed. I snuck my way past all the rooms with people sleeping in them peacefully. It was around 3 AM, Hank would give me a talk on how I need rest especially after my fainting episode.

So with the dream and the name initials in my mind, I stumbled upon a phonebook in my study cupboard which was surprisingly not out-dated. You know, I just assumed that those letters were for a name. It could in fact be for anything at all, I just hopes that it was as easy as a name.

I jumped to the 'L' section of the phonebook and started following for names that had a surname starting with 'G'. It was then that I realised that dreams usually swap signs and symbols... maybe the person's name actually started with 'G'.

And that's how I spent an hour and a half in my study, reading through the heavy book to determine who could potentially be a mutant.

My mind kept wandering to the woman in my dream. She looked my age, maybe a couple years younger than me. She had vibrant and long ginger hair, and such a bright smile... She looked quite happy. Someone causing me these migraines seems quite far from it though.

Then I started to think, maybe the actual person doesn't look like that... maybe it's not even a female, or a real person for that matter. That would definitely spice things up for me.

A few minutes passed and a series of knocks were made on my study door. After I answered, Hank peeked in with a look of pure surprise and alarm on his face. He asked about my health, about my sleep and why on earth I was waking up so early these days. Before he could ask anything else, I answered with the dream I had.

Hank didn't comment sitting in particular, though I know he was thinking that he should let me 'enjoy the distraction and encourage it'... and I didn't even read his mind. I just know him really well.

After I told Hank to fix his rather dishevelled bed-head, I showed him the list of all the names with the initials 'LG' and who are females. I'm only going with the obvious, straight-out-of-the-dream clues.

Then all of a sudden I started to feel drowsy. I couldn't stop myself from yawning and Hank sadly noticed my fatigue. He insisted that I sleep, and I agreed but I told him that I would take the day off and track down this mysterious 'LG' BUT, OF COURSE NOT IVE GOT THE MOST HORRID OF LUCK.

I'd got classes to teach today and I COULDN'T miss them! Yay.

But tomorrow or the day after I will surely check this out. I have to otherwise I won't be able to sleep again...


𝕄𝕌𝕋𝔸𝕋𝕀𝕊 𝕄𝕌𝕋𝔸ℕ𝔻𝕀𝕊 ~ 𝘟-𝘔𝘦𝘯Where stories live. Discover now